
Tweet NaCl for React Native Expo which uses expo-random to get random bytes (getRandomBytesAsync - equivalent to Node.js crypt.randomBytes),

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tweetNaclReactNativeExpo from '';


React Native Expo Tweet NaCl

This package contains modified files from TweetNaCl.js that work with react native expo

Example App: Tweet NaCl Demo (React Native Expo)

Tweet NaCl documentation: TweetNaCl.js Docs


  • Modified nacl-fast.js in order to replace the method for generating random bytes

  • Used getRandomBytesAsync from expo-random in order to generate random bytes

  • Since getRandomBytesAsync is async the following methods have become async

    • nacl.randomBytes
    • nacl.sign.keyPair
    • nacl.sign.keyPair.fromSeed
  • nacl-util.js contains useful functions to encode/decode UTF8 and Base64