Twiddler is an application for text processing, light natural language processing, and keyword extraction. Twiddler is built around the idea that there are lots of various text processing tools and libraries in existence, but these existing tools are often highly technical and only provide portions of text processing. Twiddler aims to provide a framework to make using these tools more intuitive.
To install Twiddler do one of the following:
git clone
npm install twiddler
Then you need to install all of the dependencies that are required for Twiddler itself
cd twiddler
npm install
These dependencies will give you all you need to run the basic Twiddler app via the CLI.
Here are some work in progress commands that provide some of the basic functionality
Running as CLI
new - add a new project
twiddler new /path/to/project/
-o --overwrite // Overwrite exsting project
-s --save // Scan folder of project and add sources
open - open an existing project
twiddler open /path/to/project/
source - adds a source to an existing project
twiddler source /path/to/project/ -t file
process - process a project
twiddler process /path/to/project/
Running the GUI app
First you need to download and install the devDependencies
required by Electron
npm install --dev
npm start
Build the Electron App
npm run package
This will build the app for OS X, Linux, and Windows, using electron-packager.
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