Utility for downloading top recommended twitter users and some of their tweets. The module will fetch a lists of top twitter suggestion categories, and download user information & latest tweets for the users in those suggestions. The command line interface to the module will download the suggestion list and user information to .json files.
var t = require('twits');
auth : require('../.twitter-auth.json'),
maxSuggestions : 2,
maxUsers : 5,
suggestion : function(err, data){ console.log('suggestion found:',; },
user : function(err, data){ console.log('user found: %s, # of tweets',, data.tweets.length); }
if(err) console.error(err);
else console.log('done');
Results in:
suggestion found: Music
suggestion found: Sports
user found: Lady Gaga, # of tweets 200
user found: KATY PERRY , # of tweets 200
user found: Rihanna, # of tweets 200
user found: Justin Timberlake , # of tweets 200
user found: Shakira, # of tweets 199
user found: NBA, # of tweets 200
user found: Kevin Durant, # of tweets 200
user found: Carmelo Anthony, # of tweets 200
user found: Cristiano Ronaldo, # of tweets 200
user found: Twitter Sports, # of tweets 200
Object containing your authentication tokens for twitter. The object should have the properties:
- 'consumer_key'
- 'consumer_secret'
- 'access_token'
- 'access_token_secret'
A callback of the form function(err, data) to handle the receipt of a twitter suggestion category. If error is set, there was an error retrieving the suggestion, else data will be an object with the properties:
- name The suggestion name
- slug Slug used in access suggestion information in the Twitter API
- users Array of users given by this suggestion, each user is an object of four properties: name, id, profile_image_url and screen_name
A callback of the form function(err, data) to handle receipt of a twitter user. If error is set, there was an error retrieving the user, else data will be an object with the properties:
- name The user's name
- id The user's Twitter ID
- tweets An array of the most recent (up to 200) tweets for this user, each tweet is an object of three properties: created_at, id, text
Set this integer value to limit the number of suggestion categories processed.
Set this integer value to limit the number of users processed on a per suggestion basis.
Set this boolean to true to get status updates in the console.
./bin/twits --max-suggestions=5 --max-users=10 --destination=/tmp/twitter-data
ls /tmp/twitter-data/
100220864.json 15439395.json 17471979.json ... suggestions.json
The CLI is located under the /bin directory: /bin/twits. It may be called with the following options (also available via --help).
auth (-a)
Location of a .json file conforming to the module's required authorization object. Defaults to ./.twitter-auth.json.
destination (-f)
Directory to use for outputting .json files for users and suggestions. Output files will be named [id].json for users and the suggestion list will be named suggestions.json. Defaults to './dist'.
version (-v)
Show (in console) the version of the module and exit.
- max-suggestions (-s)
- max-users (-u)
- verbose (-v)
Same as defined for the module.
Rate Limiting
Twitter limits access to the API. This module respects those limits, therefore you can expect long delays (15 minutes+) in data retrieval if you are getting data and hit the rate limit. Limit messages are sent to console.error (from the above example):
Exceeding Twitter rate limit, setting timeout for 84173ms, ~2m
suggestion found: Music
user found: Twitter Sports, # of tweets: 200
A full dump of all suggestions and related users could take a half-hour or more depending on last execution.