
node version in ma twitter name

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import twitterNodeName from '';


Change your twitter name to include a node version 💄✨ , cause it's hard to keep track of node versions


npm install -g twitter-node-name


twitter-node-name -f /path/to/keys/ -n AwesomeName✨ node

where -n AwesomeName✨ is the name you want to have aside from version 🐨 ,

  `-f` is path to file that holds your twitter keys

  `node` could be substituted for `npm` to get the latest version of npm from [npm's ✨ changelog ✨]( -- it literally grabs the first heading on that changelog page, so there could be mistakes. 

Then, set it up as your cronjob to run at whatever interval you like. Run this to edit cronjobs in your fave editor:

crontab -e

and add this to run every 24 hours at 13:00 (1pm):

0 13 * * * twitter-node-name -f /path/to/keys/ -n AwesomeName✨node 


Have your twitter keys ready in a json file, name it keys.json:

touch keys.json
vim keys.json

and add all your 🆒 keys:

  "consumer_key": "cool_consumer_key",
  "consumer_secret": "cool_consumer_sercret",
  "access_token_key": "cool_access_token_key",
  "access_token_secret": "cool_access_token_secret"