
The ultimate CLI for Transaction Middleware (TM)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import txmCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/txm-cli';


TM Command Line Tool (FI)

The TM command line interface (CLI) simplifies daily tasks like building, deploying to multiple servers, importing masterdata (cpgen), starting simulation etc.


Install the "tm" command line tool via (Note: requires Node.js from https://nodejs.org/ (LTS is fine)):

npm install -g txm-cli

Commands / Usage

The command line tool offers various subcommands that can be displayed by just entering "tm" on a command line:

> tm
Usage:  tm <cmd>
with <cmd> being one of

   version        display version info.
   update         update CLI to most recent version.
   server         manage your servers.
   sandbox        manage your sandboxes.
   config         manage general configuration settings.
   deploy         deploy and explode EARs from the current default sandbox
                  to the current default server(s).
   build          do a gradlew build without recreating runtime folder.
   rebuild        do a clean build with new runtime folder.
   hotfix         apply hotfix from IDE to deployed server(s).
   db             manage your databases.
   cpgen          perform CPGEN imports of cpg files.
   all            do everything, clean rebuild, createDB and deploy.
   func           manage custom function chains.
   sim            configure and run the PBM simulator GUI.
   ropssim [ui]   configure and run ROPS gateway and ROPS cmd client,
                  specify option 'ui' to start the GUI version.
   lastbn <r> [d] display last build number (and copy to clipboard),
                  with <r> being the desired version (e.g. '19.0.00'),
                  if <r> is omitted, the current sandbox version is used,
                  specify option 'd' to download the artifact from Nexus.
   latestbuild <branch> <dep> displays latest product build number with changelog
                  more info in command usage ;)
   autotest       run the automated test suite (Automatiktest).
   dump           dump all current settings as JSON.
   ctv            run commtraceviewer.

All commands can be abbreviated as you like - the first matching command will be executed. For instance, "tm deploy" can be written as "tm d", "tm update" as "tm u" and "tm server list" can be abbreviated as "tm s l" and so on.