
TypeScript type assertion utility

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import typeAssertTool from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/type-assert-tool';



Utility type to assert your TypeScript type.


import { AssertIs, AssertSub, TestSuite } from "type-assert-tool";

type MyAwesomeType<T = string> = T extends string ? `Hello, ${T} !` : "Bye.";

interface MyAwesomeTypeTest extends TestSuite {
  result1: AssertIs<MyAwesomeType<'world'>, "Hello, world !">;
  result2: AssertIs<MyAwesomeType<number>, "Bye.">;

  // Property 'result3' of type '[actual_type: "Bye.", is_not: "Bye bye"]' is not assignable to string index type 'AssertSuccess'.
  result3: AssertIs<MyAwesomeType<number>, "Bye bye">;

  "you can put cases into a section": {
    pattern1: AssertIs<MyAwesomeType<''>, "Hello,  !">;
    pattern2: AssertSub<MyAwesomeType, string>;

    "nested section": {
      result: AssertSub<"Hello", string>;

Try this in Playground!



You can write "TypeScript type test" extending this type. For example:

interface YourTestCases extends TestSuite {
  // write test cases as properties

There are no restrictions on the property names in the sub interface. However, TestSuite enforces as the sub interface's properties should be assignable to type AssertSuccess .

AssertIs<Actual, Expected>

Test equality between type Actual and type Expected . Only if succeeded, this type returns type AssertSuccess .

AssertSub<Actual, Expected>

Test whether type Actual type is a sub type of type Expected . Only if succeeded, this type returns type AssertSuccess .


TypeScript's capabilities of type operations are amazing. TypeScript has powerful features such as Mapped Types, Conditional Types, Recursive Types, and Template Literal Types.

I needed a way to make sure that the composite types I created using these features would work as expected. I created this utility because I wanted to write tests for composite types in the same way I write unit tests for functions.

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  • ts-expect provides function to assert type of your "values".
