
Creates .d.ts files with interface definitions from .css files

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import typedCssInterfaces from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/typed-css-interfaces';



Creates TypeScript definition files with interfaces from .css files.

This is a fork of typed-css-modules with added interface support.

Given the following CSS:

/* styles.css */
@value primary: red;
.myClass {
  color: primary;

The original project generated the following output:

export const primary: string;
export const myClass: string;

So you could do:

/* app.ts */
import * as styles from './styles.css';
console.log(`<div class="${styles.myClass}"></div>`);
console.log(`<div style="color: ${styles.primary}"></div>`);

But, if you wanted to dynamically assign styles, like so:

let var = 'style-' + name;
console.log(`<div class="${styles[var]}"></div>`);

You will get a TS error about no index signature.

To get around this, this project generates the following output:

/* styles.css.d.ts */
interface Styles {
primary: string;
myClass: string;
declare var styles:Styles;
export styles;

The [name:string]: string is the important part - it defines an index signature that allows Typescript to validate dynamically declared styles.

Invalid and Reserved Names

These are now quoted and added to the interface block, rather than ignored.
For example, .MyClass--Modifier will be added as '.MyClass--Modifier'


npm install -g typed-css-interfaces

To maintain backwards compatibility with typed-css-modules, this project uses the command tcmi

Exec tcmi <input directory>.

For example, if you have .css files under src directory, exec the following:

tcmi src

Then, this creates *.css.d.ts files under the directory which has original .css file.

(your project root)
- src/
    | myStyle.css
    | myStyle.css.d.ts [created]

output directory

Use -o or --outDir option.

For example:

tcmi -o dist src
(your project root)
- src/
    | myStyle.css
- dist/
    | myStyle.css.d.ts [created]

file name pattern

By the default, this tool searches **/*.css files under <input directory>.

If you can customize glob pattern, you can use --pattern or -p option.

tcmi -p src/**/*.icss


With -w or --watch, this CLI watches files in the input directory.

camelize CSS token

With -c or --camelCase, kebab-cased CSS classes(such as .my-class {...}) are exported as camelized TypeScript varibale name(export const myClass: string).

You can pass --camelCase dashes to only camelize dashes in the class name. Since version 0.27.1 in the webpack css-loader. This will keep upperCase class names intact, e.g.:

.SomeComponent {
  height: 10px;


interface Styles {
SomeComponent: string;
declare var styles;
export = styles;

See also webpack css-loader's camelCase option.


No changes from the original project


There is a minimum example in this repository example folder. Clone this repository and run cd example; npm i; npm start.

Or please see https://github.com/Quramy/typescript-css-modules-demo. It's a working demonstration of CSS Modules with React and TypeScript.


This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.