
Generates detailed types for Slack WebClient interface based on Slack's OpenAPI V2 specifications

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import typedSlackClient from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/typed-slack-client';


Typed Slack Client

Generates detailed types for Slack WebClient interface based on Slack's OpenAPI V2 specifications


Results of code generation are published to npm as typed-slack-client

npm install typed-slack-client

Import the creation method and types:

import { createTypedSlackWebClient } from  "typed-slack-client/typedSlackWebClient";
import { Definitions } from  "typed-slack-client/slackTypes";

Create a client (yourToken can be undefined):

const slack = createTypedSlackWebClient(yourToken, {
    logLevel:  LogLevel.DEBUG

Use the client:

//Client mirrors default Slack client API

let  listResponse = await slack.users.list({ token: token });

//listResponse will be a union of a Success type and an Error type
//Check response.ok to tell if the call was successful

    //Here listResponse is an success type, listResponse.error will not be defined and will not be autocompleted

    //Here listResponse is an error type, listResponse.members will not be defined and will not be autocompleted


createTypedSlackWebClient accepts the same arguments as the default WebClient constructor in the offical Slack client library, @slack/client

Generate client definitions

Run npm run-script build from the top level project and a set of definitions will be generated in the dist folder.

This operation requires network connectivity, to download the latest API definition

Missing Type Definitions

Slack's Open API definitions are out of date. This means several types will not be included.

Success types include an index signature allowing them to return any fields.

Error types do no include an index signature, please create an issue if there are missing error fields.