
typedoc plugin to set source file URL links to a Git repository hosted in Azure DevOps

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import typedocPluginDevopsSourcefile from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/typedoc-plugin-devops-sourcefile';


typedoc plugin to set source file URL links to a Git repository hosted in Azure DevOps.

This plugin is a fork of typedoc-plugin-sourcefile-url by Gerard Delmàs. It's adopted to reference source files hosted in a Git repository at Azure DevOps from a typedoc-generated documentation.

typedoc prints a Defined in statement showing the source file and line for all definitions. For projects hosted on GitHub this statement will automatically link to the source file.

This plugin allows to create links to files hosted on Azure DevOps. It adds a &line= anchor to the URL, linking to any specific line.


npm install --save-dev typedoc-plugin-devops-sourcefile

typedoc will automatically detect and load the plugin from node_modules.


Simple Prefix

typedoc --devops-sourcefile-url-prefix "https://dev.azure.com/[tenant]/[project]/_git/[repo]?path=%2F"

You need to set the following values in the path:

  • tenant The tenant name of your organization in Azure DevOps, e.g. "mycompany"
  • project The name of the team project containing the Git repository, e.g. "myproject"
  • repo The name of the Git repository, e.g. "myproject-base"

For these example values you'll pass https://dev.azure.com/mycompany/myproject/_git/myproject-base?path=%2F.

Hint You can copy the URL from your browser's address bar when you navigate to the repository in Azure DevOps. Just add ?path=%2F (or any deeper path in this repository) to the copied URL and you're done.

The --devops-sourcefile-url-prefix option will create URLs by prefixing the given parameter in front of each source file.

Defined in src/testfile.ts:123 will link to https://dev.azure.com/[tenant]/[project]/_git/[repo]?path=%2Fsrc%2Ftestfile.ts&line=123.

Advanced Mappings

Sometimes more complex URL rules may be required. For example when grouping documentation of multiple repositories into one documentation page.

Advanced mappings are described in a JSON file.

typedoc --devops-sourcefile-url-map your-sourcefile-map.json

The your-sourcefile-map.json structure is:

    "pattern": "^modules/module-one",
    "replace": "https://dev.azure.com/mycompany/myproject/_git/module-one?path=%2F",
    "version": "GT1.0.0-rc"
    "pattern": "^",
    "replace": "https://dev.azure.com/mycompany/myproject/_git/main-project?path=%2F",
    "version": "GBmaster"

pattern is a regular expression (without enclosing slashes). Each Defined in statement is matched against the pattern. On match the pattern is replaced with the string from replace to create the URL.

There can be one or more mapping rules. For each Defined in only the first rule that matches is applied. In the above example the last rule would match all source files that did not start with modules/module-one. This compares to the Simple Prefix option.

You can optionally specify the target branch or tag (a.k.a. version). If you omit these value (or use the --devops-sourcefile-url-prefix option) no version parameter is appended to the URL and Azure DevOps will open the default branch (which is master by default). If you need to pass a target, the &version= parameter is added to the URL. The value needs to start with GB (Git branch) or GT (Git tag).

The options are mutually exclusive. It is not possible to use --devops-sourcefile-url-prefix and --devops-sourcefile-url-map at the same time.