
Typing of puntoscolombia typescript projects

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import typesPuntoscolombia from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/types-puntoscolombia';


To configure each project

When creating a react project that will live in the world of vtex, please base your project on [hello-react-ts] (https://github.com/grupo-exito-ecommerce/hello-react-ts) and also Follow the following recommendations:

  1. Change the project's tsconfig to the hello-react-ts.

  2. Add tsconfig-types (it is in hello-react-ts).

  3. Create index.ts in react root (only if other projects still don't call that index).

  4. Add index.ts in the vtexigniore (only if other projects still don't call that index).

`` ''

  • CAUTION * react / index.ts * CAUTION *

react / tsconfig-types.json react / __ mocks__ react / __ tests__ react / tslint react / sonar-project.properties `` ''

  1. Add generated types folder (project must be called the same and found in the root of / react) to gitignore.

  2. Add .prettierrc, tslint.json, library to validate hooks rule (all these files are in hello-react-ts)

'' yarn add tslint-react-hooks `` ''

  1. Correct typings folder, delete unnecessary things and try to carry the following format:

'' typings: │ .D files.d.ts .D index.d.ts │ global.d.ts (only if you are going to use declare global) │ Iblibs .D index.d.ts │ react-select.d.ts (create files by library, if there is more than one type of said library, but all put it in index.d.ts) │ Texvtex index.d.ts vtex.store-components.d.ts (create files per component, if there is more than one type of said component, but all put it in index.d.ts) `` ''

To work in the typings folder

Please follow the following rules:

  • There are 2 proposed folders libs and vtex and the root (could be more but with arguments).

  • The libs folder is intended for all those types related to third-party libraries that do not have types, Most of these libraries already have their own types in the original repository or in the DefinitelyTyped repository on github.

  • In libs / index.d.ts put onlydeclare module 'name-of-your-library';if you want to be more specific and define more types of a library like for example something like this:

    js declare module 'react-select / lib / components / containers' { export {ValueContainerProps}; } `` ''

    In this case it is valid to create a new file inside the libs folder with the name of your library, in the case of the previous example create libs / react-select.d.ts.

  • The vtex folder is intended for all types related to vtex projects, most of which are in [vtex-apps github] (https://github.com/) vtex-apps and in [vtex github] ( https://github.com/vtex).

  • The idea is that in the vtex folder we add only the types of projects that are not already typed in this repository, such as the project vtex.render-runtime which must be manually defined in vtex / index.d.ts as declare module 'vtex.render-runtime'; since this is quite complicated to generate types for it automatically.

  • Apply rule # 3 equally for the vtex / index.d.ts file.

  1. Make link in vtex of the project and correct errors.

  2. Add script to package.json (yarn get-types) and run it.

json "get-types": "rm -rf colombianpoints. $ {project name} && tsc -p tsconfig-types.json --outDir colombianpoints. $ {project name}" `` ''

  1. Document changes in manifest and CHANGELOG.

  2. Install type library.

'' yarn add -D types-puntocolombia `` ''

If you have any doubt or improvement with what is proposed, please do not hesitate to discuss it with the team.