
Analysis of the d.ts file, collect the first level of property description It can be applied to DTS conversion to document API description

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import typescriptToJson from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/typescript-to-json';



Analysis of the d.ts file, collect the first level of property description It can be applied to DTS conversion to document API description


npm i typescript-to-json --dev


const parse = require("typescript-to-json");

  parse(`import { ComponentClass } from 'react'
  import { PickerProps, IPickerInstance } from './picker'

  type IAnyObjectString = {
    [x: number | string]: string

   * @desc API
  export interface AreaProps
    extends Omit<PickerProps, 'columns' | 'onChange'>,
      ComponentClass {
     * @default
     * @desc    value of address
    value?: string
    areaList?: {
      province_list: IAnyObjectString
      city_list: IAnyObjectString
      county_list: IAnyObjectString
     * @desc count of columns
    columnsNum?: string | number
     * @desc placeholder of columns
    columnsPlaceholder?: string[]
     * @desc trigger function
    onChange: (event: {
      detail: {
        values: number[] | string[]
        picker: IPickerInstance
        index: number
    }) => void
  declare const Area: ComponentClass<AreaProps>

  export { Area }

get the result, Only analyze the type description of Export Exposure; 'value' and 'require' come from code analysis, others come from comments

  AreaProps: {
    value: {
      default: '',
      desc: 'value of address',
      require: 'false',
      value: '  string\n\n'
    areaList: {
      require: 'false',
      value: '  {\n' +
        '    province_list: IAnyObjectString\n' +
        '    city_list: IAnyObjectString\n' +
        '    county_list: IAnyObjectString\n' +
        '  }\n' +
    columnsNum: {
      desc: 'count of columns',
      require: 'false',
      value: '  string | number\n\n'
    columnsPlaceholder: {
      desc: 'placeholder of columns',
      require: 'false',
      value: '  string[]\n\n'
    onChange: {
      desc: 'trigger function',
      require: 'true',
      value: '  (event: {\n' +
        '    detail: {\n' +
        '      values: number[] | string[]\n' +
        '      picker: IPickerInstance\n' +
        '      index: number\n' +
        '    }\n' +
        '  }) => void\n' +