
Easily declare systemd (auto)mountpoints.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ubborgSysdMountpoint from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ubborg-sysd-mountpoint';



Easily declare systemd (auto)mountpoints.


This module exports one function:

describeSystemdMountPoint(spec[, bun])

spec shoult be either

  • a details object (see below),
  • a string, which will be interpreted as if it were the device property of a details object,
  • or an array of any of the above.

Returns an array of specs for admFile resources. If bun is specified and has a .needs method, it's assumed to be an ubborg bundle, and the admFiles are requested on its behalf. In this case, the resulting promise will be returned instead, and the specs array will be stored on that promise in the specs property.

Details objects support the properties listed below, most of them optional. Some options are only understood if another option is active. The dependent options are listed as sub-bullets of the option that enables them.

  • device (required): Path to the disk device.
  • mountAt: Absolute path where to mount the device.
  • fsType: Explicit file system selection, in case auto isn't good enough.
  • fsOpt: File system options, as string, array or dictionary object.
  • descr: User-visible (explanatory) description of the mount unit.
  • mountOnDemand: Boolean, default: false. If enabled, systemd will mount an autofs onto the mountpoint, which will mount the device as soon as someone tries to access the autofs.
    • idleSec: After which timespan of idleness systemd should umount the device. (The autofs should remain.) See systemd docs about TimeoutIdleSec for details.
  • mountOnDetect: Boolean, default: false. Whether the device shall be mounted as soon as it becomes available.
    • If this is the only reason for mounting it, then the mountpoint should be released automatically once the device disappears.
      • NB: This does not imply a proper umount. If any cleanup should have been done before the device disappears, you'll need an earlier trigger. Once a device has disappeared, the OS can no longer talk to it.
  • wantedBy: Additional systemd targets to trigger on, that don't have their own option here. This does not create an [Install] section. Instead, it declares symlinks in /etc/systemd/system/${target}.wants/.
    • If a target name ends with ¬ (U+00AC not sign), that character is ignored for naming, and the symlink is declared as "shall not exist".
    • The list may be given as a string (space-separated) or array. In case of an array, for your tabulating convenience, all whitespace is ignored.



Known issues

  • Needs more/better tests and docs.

