
Standalone test runner for UI5

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ui5TestRunner from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ui5-test-runner';


UI5 Test runner

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A self-sufficient test runner for UI5 applications enabling parallel execution of tests.

To put it in a nutshell, some applications have so many tests that when you run them in a browser, it ends up crashing. The main reason is memory consumption : the browser process goes up to 2 GB and it blows up. JavaScript is using garbage collecting but it needs time to operate and the stress caused by executing the tests does not let enough bandwidth for the browser to free up the memory.

This tool is designed and built as a substitute of the UI5 karma runner. It executes all the tests in parallel thanks to several browser instances (which also reduces the total execution time).


How to install

How to demo

  • Clone the project training-ui5con18-opa and run npm install
  • Inside the project, use npm run karma to test with the karma runner
  • Inside the project, use ui5-test-runner -port:8080 -ui5:https://ui5.sap.com/1.87.0/ -cache:.ui5 -keepAlive
  • Follow the progress of the test executions using http://localhost:8080/_/progress.html
  • When the tests are completed, inspect the results by opening :
    • http://localhost:8080/_/report.html
    • http://localhost:8080/_/coverage/lcov-report/index.html

How to use

  • Clone the project you want to test
  • If the project owns library dependencies (other than UI5), you must also clone them.
    To check for project dependencies, you may look into :
    • POM.xml (for maven based builds) :
    • manifest.json file :
      "sap.ui5": {
          "dependencies": {
              "libs": {
                  "my.namespace.feature.lib": {
                      "lazy": true

The following assumes that the project and its dependencies are cloned in the same folder. You must handle the differences between the library project name / structure and the namespace it implements.

  • In the project root folder, run the following command :

ui5-test-runner -port:8080 -cache:.ui5 -libs:my/namespace/feature/lib/=../my.namespace.feature.project.lib/src/my/namespace/feature/lib/

The list of options is detailed below but to explain the command :

  • -port:8080 : uses the fixed http port 8080

  • -cache:.ui5 : caches UI5 resources to boost loading of pages. It stores resources in a project folder named .ui5 (you may use an absolute path if preferred).

  • -libs:my/namespace/feature/lib/=../my.namespace.feature.project.lib/src/my/namespace/feature/lib/ : maps the library path (access to URL /resources/my/namespace/feature/lib/library.js will be mapped to the file path ../my.namespace.feature.project.lib/src/my/namespace/feature/lib/library.js)

You may also use :

  • -ui5:https://ui5.sap.com/1.92.1/ : uses a specific version of UI5

  • -coverage:false : ignores code coverage measurement (if you don’t need it, it speeds up a bit the startup)

  • "-args:__URL__ __REPORT__ --visible" : changes the browser spawning command line to make the browser windows visible

  • -parallel:3 : increases (changes) the number of parallel execution (by default it uses 2). You may even use 0 to only serve the application (the tests are not executed).

  • -keepAlive : the server remains active after executing the tests

    • It is a nice way to run the tests in your own browser.
      For instance, open http://localhost:8080/test/unit/unitTests.qunit.html

    • It might be interesting to keep it running to access the detailed report (see below)

During the test executions (which can take some time) you can monitor the progress by opening : http://localhost:8080/_/progress.html


After the tests are executed :

  • The command line output will provide a summary of executed pages and the corresponding failures :


  • The detailed test report is available from http://localhost:8080/_/report.html (since it uses requests to load the details, the report must be open through a web server, don't try to open the .html from the file system... it won't work)


  • The coverage report is available from http://localhost:8080/_/coverage/lcov-report/index.html


  • Some folders are created to support execution, you may add them to your project .gitignore to exclude them from git :

    • .nyc_output/ : contains coverage information

    • report/ : contains test report (as well as screenshots and console log outputs)

    • .ui5/ : contains cached UI5 resources

    • These folder names can be changed through parameters (see the list below)


name default description
cwd process.cwd() Current working directory
port 0 port to use (0 to let REserve allocate one)
ui5 'https://ui5.sap.com' UI5 url
libs Folder(s) containing dependent libraries (relative to cwd).
Might be used multiple times, two syntaxes are supported :
  • -libs:path adds path to the list of libraries, mapped directly under /resources/
  • -libs:rel/=path adds the path to the list of libraries, mapped under /resources/rel/
cache '' Cache UI5 resources locally in the given folder (empty to disable)
webapp 'webapp' base folder of the web application (relative to cwd)
 testsuite  'test/testsuite.qunit.html' path / URL to the testsuite file (relative to webapp)
pageFilter '' regexp to select which pages to execute
pageParams '' Parameters added to each page URL.
For instance : 'sap-ui-theme=sap_belize&sap-ui-debug=true'
pageTimeout 0 Limit the page execution time (ms), fails the page if it takes longer than the timeout (0 to disable the timeout)
globalTimeout 0 Limit the pages execution time (ms), fails the execution if it takes longer than the timeout (0 to disable the timeout)
failFast false Stops the execution after the first failing page
keepAlive false Keeps the server alive (enables debugging)
watch false Monitors the webapp folder and re-execute tests on change
logServer false Logs REserve traces
browser String, see description Browser instantiation command, it should point to a node.js script (absolute or relative to cwd).
By default, a script will instantiate chromium through puppetteer
browserRetry 1 Browser instantiation retries : if the command fails unexpectedly, it is re-executed (0 means no retry).
The page fails if all attempts fail
args '__URL__ __REPORT__' Browser instantiation arguments :
  • '__URL__' is replaced with the URL to open
  • '__REPORT__' is replaced with a folder path that is associated with the current URL (can be used to store additional traces such as console logs or screenshots)
  • '__RETRY__' is replaced with the retry count (0 for the first execution, can be used to put additional traces or change strategy)*
noScreenshot false No screenshot is taken during the tests execution (faster if the browser command supports screenshot)
-- Parameters given right after -- are directly added to the browser instantiation arguments (see below)
parallel 2 Number of parallel tests executions (0 to ignore tests and keep alive)
tstReportDir 'report' Directory to output test reports (relative to cwd)
coverage true Enables code coverage
covSettings String, see description Path to a custom nyc.json file providing settings for instrumentation (relative to cwd)
covTempDir '.nyc_output' Directory to output raw coverage information to (relative to cwd)
covReportDir 'coverage' Where to put the coverage report files (relative to cwd)
covReporters 'lcov,cobertura' Comma separated list of reporters to use

These two commands are equivalent :

ui5-test-runner "-args:__URL__ __REPORT__ --visible"
ui5-test-runner -- --visible

Configuration file

It is also possible to set these parameters by creating a JSON file named ui5-test-runner.json where the runner is executed (i.e. process.cwd()).

The file is applied before parsing the command line parameters, hence some parameters might be overridden.

If you want the parameters to be forced (and not be overridden by the command line), prefix the parameter name with !.

For example :

  "!pageTimeout": 900000,
  "globalTimeout": 3600000,
  "failFast": true

The pageTimeout setting cannot be overridden by the command line parameters

NOTE : the libs parameters must be converted to an array of pairs associating relative URL and source path.

For instance :

  "libs": [{
    "relative": "my/namespace/feature/lib/",
    "source": "../my.namespace.feature.project.lib/src/my/namespace/feature/lib/"

Structure of the libs parameter

Tips & tricks

  • The runner takes a screenshot for every OPA assertion (Opa5.assert.ok)
  • To benefit from parallelization, split the OPA test pages per journey.
    An example pattern :

Building a custom browser instantiation command

  • You may follow the pattern being used by chromium.js
  • It is mandatory to ensure that the child process explicitly exits at some point (see this thread explaining the fork behavior with Node.js)
  • The child process will receive messages that must be handled appropriately :
    • message.command === 'stop' : the browser must be closed and the command line must exit
    • message.command === 'capabilities' : a message must be sent back to indicate if the following features are supported (boolean)
      • screenshot : the browser can take screenshots (in the __REPORT__ folder, name is provided when needed)
      • consoleLog : the browser serializes the console traces (in the __REPORT__ folder with the name console.txt)
    • message.command === 'screenshot' : should generate a screenshot (the message contains a filename member). To indicate that the screenshot is done, the command line must send back the same message (process.send(message)).


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