
Tiny, generic, fully tested model.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import umodel from '';



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Tiny, generic, fully tested model.

new umodel [data], [options]

data {Object} initialize the model with some data

options {Object}

  • separator (default: /) separator for getting/setting nested keys


umodel.get key get a key, throwing an error if a parent key is not set

umodel.set key, value set a key, lazy-creating parent keys along the way if nested

umodel.setnx key, value like set, but only if the given key has not been set yet


Model = require 'umodel'

model = new Model
    foo: 'bar'
# => model

model.get 'foo'
# => 'bar'

model.set 'bar/baz', (beans) -> 'stew'
# => [Function]

model.get 'bar/baz'
# => [Function]

# set only if the key "tomato" is not yet set.
model.setnx 'tomato', 'potato'
# => "potato"