
An underscore template function that can return json.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import underscoreTemplatePipe from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/underscore-template-pipe';


Underscore template pipe

An underscore template function that can return json.

What's it do?

Adds an additional behavior to Underscore templating called pipe, which does everything that the = interplator does except it doesn't coerce variables to strings — it returns them as whatever type they are.

Use <%| name %> syntax.

The normal <%= name %>, <%- name %> and <% name %> tags behave exactly as they do in underscore.


templatePipe(templateString[, settings])
As an underscore function in NodeJS
var _ = require('underscore')
_.templatePipe = require('underscore-template-pipe')

var templateString = _.templatePipe('<%| data.authors %>')({
  data: {
    authors: [{name: 'mhk'}, {name: 'khm'}]

// => [ { name: 'mhk' }, { name: 'khm' } ]
On its own
var templatePipe = require('underscore-template-pipe')

var templateString = templatePipe('<%| data.authors %>')({
  data: {
    authors: [{name: 'mhk'}, {name: 'khm'}]

// => [ { name: 'mhk' }, { name: 'khm' } ]
With a custom syntax style
var templatePipe = require('underscore-template-pipe')

var templateSettings = {
  evaluate    : /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g, 
  interpolate : /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g, 
  escape      : /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g, 
  pipe        : /<%~([\s\S]+?)%>/g // Use a `~` instead of `|`. The other settings need not be specified if they are not modified. Listed here to show options.

var templateString = templatePipe('<%~ data.authors %>', templateSettings)({
  data: {
    authors: [{name: 'mhk'}, {name: 'khm'}]

// => [ { name: 'mhk' }, { name: 'khm' } ]
