
Translate stacktraces from minified JS to readable format. This lib relies on source-map (by Mozilla) to find position of given line and column.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import understack from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/understack';



Translate stacktraces from minified JS to readable format.
This lib relies on source-map (by Mozilla) to find position of given line and column.


npm install understack


Example 1: one source-map and same path for original js files

Suppose your project structure looks like this:

  • project/src/foo.js
  • project/src/bar.js
  • project/build/minified/min.js - result of compiling foo.js and bar.js
  • project/build/minified/source_map - source-map for min.js
  • project/script.js - here you require understack.js
var understack = require('understack');
understack.addSourceMap(__dirname + 'build/minified/source_map', function(err) {
  if (err) console.log(err);
// . . .
// get error with stacktrace from minified code
var stack = err.stack;
understack.read(stack, function(originStack) {
  // do something with original stacktrace


  • write more examples
  • improve error handling
  • write some tests