
Do get/set/has/delete/reset/add operation on an url that contains query or search

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import urlSearchQueryBuilder from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/url-search-query-builder';



A production-ready shortcut utility that allows get,delete,reset,set operation to your url path's query, either for pagination, search, filter or for SEO optimization.

Do more than just parse and stringify.

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Works in browser, node(Also older node version) and serverless environment.


$ npm install url-search-query-builder --save

import QueryBuilder from 'url-search-query-builder'; // es6;

const QueryBuilder = require('url-search-query-builder').default; // es5


It should be const QueryBuilder = require('url-search-query-builder').default;


You should use this if you need a shortcut and don't wanna bother. The functionality is basic but good enough for most of the usage.


This is also useful if you are changing the url based on many conditions using the shallow routing in React/Vue which doesn't re-render.

For example:



const builder = new QueryBuilder('/home');
const page = this.props.location.query.page;
if(builder.get('page')) {
  const nextPage = page + 1;
  builder.set('page', nextPage);
const url = builder.toString();


import QueryBuilder from 'url-search-query-builder';

const path = // it could be any, it could be '/home' or '/home?type='website', we don't know!
const builder = new QueryBuilder(path);

if(builder.getAll()) {
  const url = builder.toString();
  // means there's query in the url.
} else {
  // means there's no query in the url;
  if(this.props.websiteType !== undefined) {
    builder.set('type', 'website');
  const url = builder.toString();



const path = '/something';
const builder = new QueryBuilder();
builder.buildUrl(path, { category: 'TV' }); // it can be object with key and value
builder.buildUrl(path, "category=TV"); // or it can be string;


const path = '/something';
const query = { category: 'TV' } or "category=TV";
const builder = new QueryBuilder(path, query); // query can be empty.


It returns the full path(Might or might not contain query);

const path = '/something';
const query = { category: 'TV' };
const builder = new QueryBuilder(path, query);
builder.toString(); // '/something?category=TV&';

Has, get, set, delete, reset.

const path = '/something';
const query = { type: 'website', page: 1 };  '/something?type=website&page=1'
const builder = new QueryBuilder(path, query);

const hasPage = builder.has('page'); // true;
const hasPageAndType = builder.has(['page', 'type']); // can also be an array.

const pageNumebr = Number(builder.get('page'));

builder.set('type', 'media'); // '/something?type=media&page=1'

builder.delete('type'); // '/something?page=1'

builder.reset(); // '/something'

builder.buildUrl(path, { anything: anything }); // '/something?anything=anything';

buildUrlWithObj, shallowSet, shallowDelete, shallowReset

const url = buildUrlWithObj('/hello', { number: 1 }); // '/hello?number=1';

shallowSet, shallowDelete, shallowReset makes a copy of the original builder and returns the a copy of the modify url; They don't modify the original builder, see the following for usage.

const builder = new QueryBuilder('/hello', { page: 1 });
const currentPageUrl = builder.toString(); // '/hello?page=1'
const nextPageUrl = builder.shallowSet('page', Number(builder.get('page')) + 1 ) // '/hello?page=2'
const cleanPath = builder.shallowReset(); // '/hello';

console.log(currentPageUrl) // '/hello?page=1' still the same;


Get query by name.

const path = '/something';
const query = { type: 'website', page: 1 };  '/something?type=website&page=1'
const builder = new QueryBuilder(path, query);
builder.get('type'); // website.
builder.get('product'); // undefined.


It gets all the queries;

const path = '/something';
const query = { type: 'website', page: 1 };  '/something?type=website&page=1'
const builder = new QueryBuilder(path, query);

// If true is passed, it returns a string instead of object.

builder.getAll(); // { type: 'website', page: 1 }
builder.getAll(true); 'type=website&page=1';


npm run test


  • The return url will be the pathname, not the entire website url, that means you need to combine them yourself:
const website = 'https://mywebsite.com';
const url = '/home';
const query = { section: 'room' };
const builder = new QueryBuilder(url, query);
const fullPath = `${website}${builder.toString()}` // https://mywebsite.com/home?section=room
  • If the value of a search params is number, you need to parse it yourself as the following:
const url = '/home';
const query = { page: 1 };
const builder = new QueryBuilder();
const page = builder.get('page'); // it will return '1';
const pageNumber = Number(page); or parseInt(page, 10); // this will return 1.


If this project help you reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of coffee :)



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