
Mutate arrays in response to graphql operations

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import urqlArrayMutationsHook from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/urql-array-mutations-hook';



Mutate arrays in response to urql operations

React hook for combining the results from useQuery and useMutation. Meant for this scenario:

  • You fetch an array of objects from a graphql server
  • You send requests to modify that array on the server
  • You want to sync the local array without re-requesting the whole darn thing


import { useArrayMutations } from 'urql-array-mutations-hook'
import List from './ListComponent'

function ListWithGraphql ({ options }) {
  const [array, add, remove] = useArrayMutations(options)
  // These functions mutate the array,
  // which triggers a render cycle
  const addItem = add[1]
  const removeItem = remove[1]
  return (


The input for useArrayMutations is an object with these properties:

  • key

    • String | Function

    • Each array element must be an object with a unique key value. By default, it uses the id property from each object, but the key option makes this customizable. When using a function, it takes one item as input, and must return the key value for that item.

  • get

    • String | Object

    • Input for useQuery; a string can be used as shorthand for the query property

  • add

    • String

    • Input for useMutation; the operation result must include a key for the added item

  • remove

    • String

    • Input for useMutation; the operation result must include a key for the removed item

  • sort

    • Function

    • Invoked whenever the array is modified. It takes a single parameter (the array), and must return a sorted version.

Check here for examples of get, add, and remove.

Return Value

The return value is an array of arrays:

const [array, add, remove, query] = useArrayMutations(options)
  • [0] - the current array, made by combining any graphql responses

  • [1] - return value from useMutation(...options.add)

  • [2] - return value from useMutation(...options.remove)

  • [3] - return value from useQuery(...options.query)