
A list of US ZIP codes and their geolocations

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import usZips from '';


us-zips :us:

A list of US ZIP codes and their geolocations

I needed a list of ZIP codes, and the US Census Bureau had one.


Example: get the nearest zip to a geolocation

const geolib = require('geolib')
const usZips = require('us-zips')

const somewhere = {
  lat: 33.1234,
  lng: -88.4321

geolib.findNearest(somewhere, usZips) // { distance: 12834, key: '39341' }

:information_source: If you need the nearest ZIPs for a geolocation, see if geo2zip fits your needs. It is much faster than the demo above and uses this package as a source.

Data Formats

Default (Object)

The default export returns an object. The object's keys are each ZIP code and values are objects with latitude and longitude properties.

const usZips = require('us-zips')

// { latitude: 44.480778, longitude: -88.016063 }

// Shape
  '54301': {
    latitude: 44.480778,
    longitude: -88.016063


const usZips = require('us-zips/array')

console.log(usZips.find(zip => zip.zipCode === '37214'))
// { latitude: 36.162189, longitude: -86.670867, zipCode: '37214' }

// Shape
    latitude: 36.162189,
    longitude: -86.670867,
    zipCode: '37214'


const usZips = require('us-zips/key-value')

console.log(usZips.find(([key, value]) => key === '10001'))
// ['10001', { latitude: 40.750634, longitude: -73.997176 }]

// Shape
  ['10001', {
    latitude: 40.750634,
    longitude: -73.997176


const usZips = require('us-zips/map')

// { latitude: 34.100517, longitude: -118.41463 }


With Yarn or npm installed, run:

yarn add us-zips

# ...or, if using `npm`
npm install us-zips

:information_source: NOTE: Due to ZIP codes always changing, this package uses calendar versioning (aka CalVer). This means each year will have a separate "major" version from npm and Yarn's perspective.


Data for ZIP codes and their geolocations was generated from this file, which can be downloaded from the US Census Bureau map data page.

See Also
