
A simple react hook which returns the state of your api call

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import useApiReact from '';



A simple react hook which returns the state of your api call

How to use

import { useApi } from "use-api-react";
import React from "react";

const Example = () => {
  const [{ isLoading, isSuccess, data, error, status }, callToApi] = useApi();

  const fetchUsersData = () => {
    try {
      const data = fetch("some api");

      return data;

      ***Return the data if you want that data to be returned by useApi hook***
    } catch (error) {

     ***Throw the error if you are interacting with your api in trycatch block***

     throw error;

  if(isLoading) return <h1>Loading</h1>
  if(error) return <h1>error occured</h1>

  return (
      onClick={() =>
        callToApi({ payload: apiPayload, apiFunc: fetchUsersData })
      Hey, make a call to api

export default Example;

How to use with redux or other state management libraries which has wrapper function around your api calls

Function which useApi returns accepts a parameter wrapperFunc, if you are using redux and needs to dispatch your api thunk function, you can add dispatch function to wrapperFunc key.

**If apiFunc doesn't return a promise, very likely your app will break. So apiFunc should always be a function which returns a promise

const dispatch = useDispatch()
 const [{ isLoading, isSuccess, data, error, status }, callToApi] = useApi();

      onClick={() =>
        callToApi({ payload: apiPayload, apiFunc: fetchUsersData, wrapperFunc: dispatch })
      Hey, make a call to api


Accepted props Description
payload payload that need to be passed to apiFunc
apiFunc function that interacts with api
onSuccess call back function which will be invoked after api call is successfull
onfailure call back function which will be invoked after api call fails
wrapperFunc wrapper function which will be wrapped around your api call
Returned props Description
isLoading Can return true, false
isSuccess Can return null, true, false
status Can return "idle", "pending", "success", "rejected"
data data returned by api, will return null if api does not return anything
error error thrown by api, will return null if api does not return anything