
A set of hooks for quick prototyping in react-three-fiber.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import useR3fAssets from '';


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🧰 use-r3f-assets

A set of hooks for quick prototyping in react-three-fiber.

yarn add use-r3f-assets

How it works

The assets are hosted on github and served using When you are ready to go live, remember to donwload the assets and host them yourself!

🛠️ useNormalTexture

Loads normal textures from this repository:

const [normalMap, url] = useNormalTexture(
  1, // index of the normal texture -
  // second argument is texture attributes 
    offset: [0, 0], 
    repeat: [normRepeat, normRepeat], 
    anisotropy: 8

return (
  <meshStandardMaterial normalMap={normalMap} />

⚒️ useMatcapTexture

Loads matcap textures from this repository:

const [matcap, url] = useMatcapTexture(
 0, // index of the matcap texture
 1024 // size of the texture ( 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 ) 

return (
 <meshMatcapMaterial matcap={matcap} />

👉 You can also use the exact name of the matcap texture, like so:

const [matcap] = useMatcapTexture("3E2335_D36A1B_8E4A2E_2842A5")

👉 Use the url to download the texture when you are ready for production!