Unknown terms storage
Do you find yourself searching over and over again some unknown term? lets learn it as fast as possible with the help of neurosciences!
- This little command-line script allows to store unknown terms and its definition / translation to native language.
- Also but not less interesting, allows returns the list of words as an readable object for Flush Cards Apps like
How to install this package
- type in the console:
$ npm i -g uterm
How to upload an unknown term to collection
- type in the console:
$ uterm new --term <term-name> --def <definition> --collection <collection-name>
Collection is created automatically if not exists, and it's usefull to separate terms in different groups. See these examples of usage:
$ uterm new --term "ahead of time" --def "in advance" --collection english-terms
$ uterm new --term "Biomimicry" --def "The Science of Copying Natural Designs" --collection biology-terms
How to upload an object to Quizlet
- type in the console:
$ uterm export --quizlet --collection english-terms
you will get an object like(this is not actual JSON object, just specifically formated text which allows Quizlet to differenciate terms and definitions without extra configuration adding):
ahead of time in advance
To bite the bullet do something you don't want to do
Copy the object
Go to Quizlet app, press
and enter a title to create your set.Go to
Import from Word, Excel, Google Docs, etc.
Paste the object and press
, then go down and pressCreate
.Walla! lets learn as fast as possible this expressions with the help of neurosciences discoverings like spaced repetition.