
- This little command-line script allows to store unknown terms and its definition / translation to native language. - Also but not less interesting, allows returns the list of words as an readable object for Flush Cards Apps like [quizlet.com](https://q

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import uterm from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/uterm';


Unknown terms storage

Do you find yourself searching over and over again some unknown term? lets learn it as fast as possible with the help of neurosciences!

  • This little command-line script allows to store unknown terms and its definition / translation to native language.
  • Also but not less interesting, allows returns the list of words as an readable object for Flush Cards Apps like quizlet.com.

How to install this package

  1. type in the console:
$ npm i -g uterm

How to upload an unknown term to collection

  1. type in the console:
$ uterm new --term <term-name> --def <definition> --collection <collection-name>

Collection is created automatically if not exists, and it's usefull to separate terms in different groups. See these examples of usage:

$ uterm new --term "ahead of time" --def "in advance" --collection english-terms

$ uterm new --term "Biomimicry" --def "The Science of Copying Natural Designs" --collection biology-terms 

How to upload an object to Quizlet

  1. type in the console:
$ uterm export --quizlet --collection english-terms

you will get an object like(this is not actual JSON object, just specifically formated text which allows Quizlet to differenciate terms and definitions without extra configuration adding):

ahead of time   in advance
To bite the bullet do something you don't want to do
  1. Copy the object

  2. Go to Quizlet app, press Create and enter a title to create your set.

  3. Go to Import from Word, Excel, Google Docs, etc.

  4. Paste the object and press Import, then go down and press Create.

  5. Walla! lets learn as fast as possible this expressions with the help of neurosciences discoverings like spaced repetition.