
extend node path module with useful methods

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import utilPath from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/util-path';



extend node path module with useful methods

path.replaceExtname(filename, [ext=''])

Replace extname of filename with ext.

var replace = require('util-path').replaceExtname;

replace('/a/b/c.scss', '.css'); // '/a/b/c.css'
replace('/a/b/c.scss'); // '/a/b/c'

path.basename(filename, pattern)

Extend original path.basename, so that the second pattern can be a pattern proper for minimatch

var basename = require('util-path').basename;

basename('/a/b/c.scss', '.{sc,c,sa}ss'); // 'c'
basename('/a/b/c.scss', '.*'); // 'c'