
audio player and recorder for browser

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import utilAudio from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/util.audio';



util.audio is to provide angular service 'audioService' and directive 'util-audio' with recorder and player for browser with Web Audio API support


Install the required packages

bower install util.audio Wad angular angular-animate angular-sanitize angular-ui-router ionic lodash  numeral

npm install dateformat

Create audio player by directive

    <util-audio src='http://static.kevvv.in/sounds/callmemaybe.mp3'></util-audio>

Create audioService.Recorder

    require 'util.auth'
    angular.module 'app', ['util.audio']
        .controller 'AudioController', ($scope, audioService) ->
            _.extend $scope,
                recorder:	new audioService.Recorder()
                recordCompleted: ->

html with record button and player

        <button class="button icon ion-record" on-hold='recorder.start()' on-release='recorder.stop().then(recordCompleted)'></button>
        <util-audio ng-src="{{recorder.url}}"></util-audio>


Open browser to visit http://mob.myvnc.com/util.audio/. Press record button for audio recording and release to stop. Then, press play button to play the last recording.

Deploy to local testing server

  npm install && bower install
  node_modules/.bin/http-server ./test -p 8080

open browser to visit http://localhost:8080/