
Tools for manipulating markup documents

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import utilMarkup from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/util.markup';



Tools for manipulating markup documents (markdown, restructuredtext, asciidoc, etc).

build analysis code style: prettier testing NPM

This module is a wrapper to handle the parsing of multiple types of markup documents and outputting the results to HTML. It uses a static factory method to retrieve a parser instance. This parser instance contains a promise based method named parse. Parameters are passed to this method using a MarkupToolOptions object. The resolution of the promise is an object with HTMLResults as the structure. This factory handles the following markup types:


This module uses yarn to manage dependencies and run scripts for development.

To install as an application dependency:

$ yarn add util.markup

To build the production version of the app and run all tests:

$ yarn run all


To retrieve the MarkupFactory parser instance use the .instance() factory method:

import MarkupFactory, {HTMLResults, MarkupMode, MarkupTool, MarkupToolOptions} from "util.markup";

const content: string = '
# Header 1

Some text with *bold*

# Header 2

Some more text

const parser: MarkupTool = MarkupFactory.instance(MarkupMode.markdown);
const options: MarkupToolOptions = {
    markup: content,
    filename: "test.html"

    .then((results: HTMLResults) => {
        // Do something with the output HTML
        console.log(results.html);      // HTML structure as a string
        console.log(results.filename);  // the filename where the HTML will be saved
    .catch((err: string) => {
        // Caputure possible error



  • .parse(options: MarkupToolOptions) - the only method available from the factory object. This will parse the given input markup file. It is Promise based, so the reslution of the promise return HTMLResults.


  • HTMLResults - the results of the parse method.

    • err {string} - error message if the parsing of the document fails
    • filename {string} - file where the HTML output was stored (in a Node/electron environment only)
    • html {string} - the HTML output result from parsing the markdown type
  • MarkupToolOptions - options passed to the parse method:

    • markup {string} - the markup document contents that will be parsed into HTML
    • filename {string} - the output file name where the HTML content will be saved
    • css: {string} - custom, inline CSS that will be applied to the output HTML document


The tool installs a command line version of this library to a program named markup. It uses the following options:

markup -t {asciidoc|md|rst} -i {input file} -o {output file}
  • -t - the type of file to process (markdown, asciidoc, or restructuredtext)
  • -i - the input file to parse
  • -o - the output HTML file created