
Javascript pause/wait functions

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import utilWait from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/util.wait';



Javascript pause/wait functions

build analysis code style: prettier testing NPM

This library contains three functions and a class:

  • wait - Performs a blocked wait (like sleep) and doesn't return until the wait is over. Calls the given callback at the end of the wait period.
  • waitPromise - JavaScript function that returns a Promise and can be used in a thenable chain to delay for N iterations of S seconds. This is an async function. The delay returns via a thenable when complete.
  • waitCallback - JavaScript function that uses a callback after N iterations of S seconds. This is an async function. The delay returns via callback when complete.
  • Semaphore - A simple JavaScript semaphore counter object. Creates a completion barrier with a counter.

The promise and callback functions are used to create a delay in processing without stopping the event loop. It does this by using a wrapped Timeout call. The functions rely on the processing of a Promise or a callback to do this. The wait function is similar to sleep and will block.

The class implements a simple semaphore counter. An instance of Semaphore is created. Before the wait() promise is called the semaphore is incremented and/or decremented. While the semaphore counter is > 0 a wait state will occur. During processing the semaphore is decremented as a process that uses the semaphore is finishd with it. When the counter is <= 0 then the wait() state will end and the semaphore promise will be resolved.


This module uses yarn to manage dependencies and run scripts for development.

To install as an application dependency:

$ yarn add --dev util.wait

To build the app and run all tests:

$ yarn run all


waitCallback(3, (val: any) => {
    // continuation after 3 second wait.  The val is passed to the callback
    // after time has expired.  In this example the string 'stuff' is
    // passed.
}, 'stuff');

This wait function will pause for N sections and use a callback function on completion. The example shows that at the end of 3 seconds it is called to complete the wait.

const waitPromise = require('util.wait').waitPromise;

waitPromise(3, 'something')
    .then((val: any) => {
        // continuation after 3 second wait the val is the value passed
        // to then after time has expired.  In this example it would
        // pass the string 'something'
    .catch((err: string) => {

This version calls waitPromise with a Promise object returned that can be chained together using then (thenable). This is just a wrapper on around the waitCallback function to make it thenable. The use case for this is within test cases that use other promises where a delay is beneficial to wait some amount of time for async operations to finish in the test (such as testing a timed interval and its results).

const Semaphore = require('util.wait').Semaphore;

let semaphore = new Semaphore(10);

function f1() {
    console.log(`Starting F1: ${new Date()}`);
    assert(semaphore.counter === 1);
    // Arbitrary delay to show that the semaphore is waiting
    waitCallback(2, () => {
        console.log(`Done with f1 (2 seconds): ${new Date()}`);

function f2() {
    console.log(`Starting F2: ${new Date()}`);
    assert(semaphore.counter === 2);
    // Arbitrary delay to show that the semaphore is waiting
    waitCallback(5, () => {
        console.log(`Done with f2 (5 seconds): ${new Date()}`);


    .then(() => {
        assert(semaphore.counter === 0);
        debug(`Finished: ${semaphore.toString()}`);
    .catch((err: string) => {
        assert(false, err);

This example creates a semaphore with a 10 second timeout. It has two functions f1 and f2. Both functions run for an arbitrary amount of time in a delay loop. They increment and decrement the semaphore. After the two functions are started the semaphore starts its wait() state promise. When the delay functions within f1 and f2 complete they each decrement the semaphore. When the semaphore counter reaches 0 the promise will be resolved. If the timeout occurs, then the catch within the promise will reject with an error.