
JS library with most common utils.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import utileo from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/utileo';


Utileo NPM version Downloads

A JS library for most commonly used utils



  • Currency Utils
  • URL Utils
  • Common Utils
  • Geo Location Utils
  • History
  • Storage Utils
  • Date Utils

Getting Started (Installation)

yarn add utileo


npm i utileo --save-dev

Currency Formatter Methods

Method Params Description
format amount, isFloat To display any and all amount-values, if isFloat is true, amount formatted to 2 decimal places
parse amount To parse amount-value back to number-only
beforeAPIRequest amount Before-submitting on any API-requests

Common Util Methods

Method Params Description
validateName string Check if all characters in the string are alphabets
validateOnlyNumber string/number Check if it is a number
titleCase string Convert a string to title case
camelize string Convert hello-world style strings to helloWorld style strings
removeSpacesAndLowerCase string Converting to lower case and remove spaces in a string. Ex:My Name - myname
replaceSpaceWithUnderscore string Converting space to underscore in a string. Ex:My Name - My_Name
replaceSpecialCharsWithUnderscore string Replace special chars like @,$ to _ . Ex:abc@123%a$ - abc_123_a_
addKeyToObject object Adds key to objects
getIndex arr,object Find index of an Item from Array of objects.
toNumber value Convert a string to number
partition arr, criteria Partition array into two arrays based on criteria
isArray value Check for an Array
isObject value Check for an Object
isFunction value Check for a function
isIOS none Check device type is IOS or not

Storage Util Methods

Method Params Description
get key Get value from localstorage by key name
set key, value Set value to localstorage
has key Check key available in localstorage
remove key Remove key from localstorage
removeAll - Remove all items from localstorage

Geo Location Util Method

Method Params Description
getLatLong timeout get lat and long

URL Parameter Method

Method Params Description
getURLParameter qrString, paramName get parameter value

Date Util Methods

Method Params Description
formatDate date Returns an object of day, month, year
getCurrentDate - Returns current date
getDateByDashFormat date Returns date with DD-MM-YYYY format
getDateBySlashFormat date Returns date with DD/MM/YYYY format
timestampToDate timestamp Converting timestamp to date Ex : 1560211200000 to Tue Jun 11 2019
getDateFromString string Converting string to date Ex : '6-11-2019' to Tue Jun 11 2019


import { CurrencyUtils, CommonUtils, StorageUtils, GeoLocationUtils, URLUtils, History, DateUtils } from 'utileo';

//---------------------------------- Currency Utils -------------------------//
CurrencyUtils.format('10000') // 10,000
CurrencyUtils.format('10000.1234',true) // 10,000.12
CurrencyUtils.parse('1,00,000') // 100000 

//---------------------------------- Common Utils -------------------------------------//
CommonUtils.validateName('only alphabets')// true
CommonUtils.validateOnlyNumber('1233')// true
CommonUtils.titleCase('main menu')// Main Menu
CommonUtils.camelize('main-menu')// mainMenu
CommonUtils.toNumber('1234')// 1234
CommonUtils.isArray([1,2,3]);// true
CommonUtils.isObject({"name": "abc", "age": 12})// true
CommonUtils.isFunction(CommonUtils.isObject);// true

var users = [
    {'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': false},
    {'user': 'fred', 'age': 40, 'active': true},
    {'user': 'pebbles', 'age': 1, 'active': false}

var groups = CommonUtils.partition(users, function (user) {
    return user.active;
// groups[0] has [{'user':'fred', 'age': 40, 'active': true}]
// groups[1] has [{'user':'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': false}, {'user': 'pebbles', 'age': 1, 'active': false}]

CommonUtils.getIndex(users,{'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': false});// 0

CommonUtils.addKeyToObject(users);// key(type) will be added
// [{type: "0", user: "barney", age: 36, active: false}
// {type: "1", user: "fred", age: 40, active: true}
// {type: "2", user: "pebbles", age: 1, active: false}]

//------------------------ Storage Utils -----------------------------//
StorageUtils.get('phoneNumber')// 9899224433
StorageUtils.has('phoneNumber')// true

//----------------------- Geo Location ----------------------------//
let latLong = GeoLocationUtils.getLatLong()// value of lat long
let latitude = latLong.lat
let longitude = latLong.long

//--------------------------------- URL Parameter ---------------------------------------//
var appVisa = URLUtils.getURLParameter(window.location.href, 'visa')// 12n23be3h3bhbbh34

//--------- History --------//

//------------------------------------------ Date Utils ------------------------------------------------//
const currDate = DateUtils.getCurrentDate();// Wed Jul 14 2020 13:07:57 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
const dateObj = DateUtils.formatDate(currDate);// {day: 14, month: 6, year: 2020}
DateUtils.getDateByDashFormat(currDate);// 14-07-2020
DateUtils.getDateBySlashFormat(currDate);// 14/07/2020
DateUtils.timestampToDate(1560211200000);// Tue Jun 11 2019 05:30:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
DateUtils.getDateFromString('2/10/2017');// Sat Feb 10 2017 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)


Here Contributors


MIT @bharatpe