A JS library for most commonly used utils
- Currency Utils
- URL Utils
- Common Utils
- Geo Location Utils
- History
- Storage Utils
- Date Utils
Getting Started (Installation)
yarn add utileo
npm i utileo --save-dev
Currency Formatter Methods
Method |
Params |
Description |
format |
amount, isFloat |
To display any and all amount-values, if isFloat is true, amount formatted to 2 decimal places |
parse |
amount |
To parse amount-value back to number-only |
beforeAPIRequest |
amount |
Before-submitting on any API-requests |
Common Util Methods
Method |
Params |
Description |
validateName |
string |
Check if all characters in the string are alphabets |
validateOnlyNumber |
string/number |
Check if it is a number |
titleCase |
string |
Convert a string to title case |
camelize |
string |
Convert hello-world style strings to helloWorld style strings |
removeSpacesAndLowerCase |
string |
Converting to lower case and remove spaces in a string. Ex:My Name - myname |
replaceSpaceWithUnderscore |
string |
Converting space to underscore in a string. Ex:My Name - My_Name |
replaceSpecialCharsWithUnderscore |
string |
Replace special chars like @,$ to _ . Ex:abc@123%a$ - abc_123_a_ |
addKeyToObject |
object |
Adds key to objects |
getIndex |
arr,object |
Find index of an Item from Array of objects. |
toNumber |
value |
Convert a string to number |
partition |
arr, criteria |
Partition array into two arrays based on criteria |
isArray |
value |
Check for an Array |
isObject |
value |
Check for an Object |
isFunction |
value |
Check for a function |
isIOS |
none |
Check device type is IOS or not |
Storage Util Methods
Method |
Params |
Description |
get |
key |
Get value from localstorage by key name |
set |
key, value |
Set value to localstorage |
has |
key |
Check key available in localstorage |
remove |
key |
Remove key from localstorage |
removeAll |
- |
Remove all items from localstorage |
Geo Location Util Method
Method |
Params |
Description |
getLatLong |
timeout |
get lat and long |
URL Parameter Method
Method |
Params |
Description |
getURLParameter |
qrString, paramName |
get parameter value |
Date Util Methods
Method |
Params |
Description |
formatDate |
date |
Returns an object of day, month, year |
getCurrentDate |
- |
Returns current date |
getDateByDashFormat |
date |
Returns date with DD-MM-YYYY format |
getDateBySlashFormat |
date |
Returns date with DD/MM/YYYY format |
timestampToDate |
timestamp |
Converting timestamp to date Ex : 1560211200000 to Tue Jun 11 2019 |
getDateFromString |
string |
Converting string to date Ex : '6-11-2019' to Tue Jun 11 2019 |
import { CurrencyUtils, CommonUtils, StorageUtils, GeoLocationUtils, URLUtils, History, DateUtils } from 'utileo';
//---------------------------------- Currency Utils -------------------------//
CurrencyUtils.format('10000') // 10,000
CurrencyUtils.format('10000.1234',true) // 10,000.12
CurrencyUtils.parse('1,00,000') // 100000
//---------------------------------- Common Utils -------------------------------------//
CommonUtils.validateName('only alphabets')// true
CommonUtils.validateOnlyNumber('1233')// true
CommonUtils.titleCase('main menu')// Main Menu
CommonUtils.camelize('main-menu')// mainMenu
CommonUtils.toNumber('1234')// 1234
CommonUtils.isArray([1,2,3]);// true
CommonUtils.isObject({"name": "abc", "age": 12})// true
CommonUtils.isFunction(CommonUtils.isObject);// true
var users = [
{'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': false},
{'user': 'fred', 'age': 40, 'active': true},
{'user': 'pebbles', 'age': 1, 'active': false}
var groups = CommonUtils.partition(users, function (user) {
return user.active;
// groups[0] has [{'user':'fred', 'age': 40, 'active': true}]
// groups[1] has [{'user':'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': false}, {'user': 'pebbles', 'age': 1, 'active': false}]
CommonUtils.getIndex(users,{'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': false});// 0
CommonUtils.addKeyToObject(users);// key(type) will be added
// [{type: "0", user: "barney", age: 36, active: false}
// {type: "1", user: "fred", age: 40, active: true}
// {type: "2", user: "pebbles", age: 1, active: false}]
//------------------------ Storage Utils -----------------------------//
StorageUtils.get('phoneNumber')// 9899224433
StorageUtils.has('phoneNumber')// true
//----------------------- Geo Location ----------------------------//
let latLong = GeoLocationUtils.getLatLong()// value of lat long
let latitude = latLong.lat
let longitude = latLong.long
//--------------------------------- URL Parameter ---------------------------------------//
var appVisa = URLUtils.getURLParameter(window.location.href, 'visa')// 12n23be3h3bhbbh34
//--------- History --------//
//------------------------------------------ Date Utils ------------------------------------------------//
const currDate = DateUtils.getCurrentDate();// Wed Jul 14 2020 13:07:57 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
const dateObj = DateUtils.formatDate(currDate);// {day: 14, month: 6, year: 2020}
DateUtils.getDateByDashFormat(currDate);// 14-07-2020
DateUtils.getDateBySlashFormat(currDate);// 14/07/2020
DateUtils.timestampToDate(1560211200000);// Tue Jun 11 2019 05:30:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
DateUtils.getDateFromString('2/10/2017');// Sat Feb 10 2017 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
Here Contributors
MIT @bharatpe