
utilities-armnode is a Node.js package for help to code.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import utilitiesArmnode from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/utilities-armnode';



utilities-armnode is a Node.js package for help to code.


Use the package manager npm to install utilities-armnode.

npm install utilities-armnode


const { TransformatorData } = require('utilities-armnode');

let transformator = new TransformatorData();

let encryptedString = transformator.encrypt('string');
console.log(encryptedString) // 6741a576d4607031131e809108d5a1c1

let decryptedString = transformator.decrypt(encryptedString);
console.log(decryptedString) // 'string'



const fs = require('fs');
const { TransformatorData } = require('utilities-armnode');

let transformator = new TransformatorData(algorithm, password, encoding); 
// Or just new TransformatorData();
// algorithm - optional param, default value is 'aes192', also available values | 'aes-128-ccm'
// password - optional param, default value is 'password-text', you can use any string
// encoding - optional param, default value is 'hex', you can use any string

// Encryption and decryption examples for different data types

// String
let encryptedString = transformator.encrypt('string');
let decryptedString = transformator.decrypt(encryptedString);

// Buffer
let encryptedBuffer = transformator.encrypt(new Buffer("hello world", "utf8"));
let decryptedBuffer = transformator.decrypt(encryptedBuffer).toString('utf8');

// Stream data
let readStreamData = fs.createReadStream('./test.txt');
let encryptedStream = transformator.encrypt(readStreamData);
let writeStreamData = fs.createWriteStream('./file.out.txt');
let decryptedStream = transformator.decrypt(encryptedStream).pipe(writeStreamData);

// JSON or sample Object
let encryptedJSON = transformator.encrypt({ "key": "value" });
let decryptedJSON = transformator.decrypt(encryptedJSON);


const { hash } = require('utilities-armnode');
let data = 'sample string';
let salt = 'salt-striing';
let iteration = 2;

let dataHash = hash.create(data, salt, iteration);
// Or just hash.create();
// data - required param, data from which will be generate hash
// salt - optional param, default value is '', you can use any string
// iteration - optional param, default value is 5, you can use any number

let randomHash = hash.random();


const { errors } = require('utilities-armnode');
let message = 'error-message';

throw new errors.AssertionError(message); // status code is 500
// message - optional param, default value is 'Bad request', you can use any string

throw new errors.NotFoundError(message); // status code is 404
// message - optional param, default value is 'Not found', you can use any string

throw new errors.AccessError(message); // status code is 403
// message - optional param, default value is 'Forbidden', you can use any string

// Error handling in Node.js express app
const express = require("express");
const app = express();

// OR
errors.errorHandler(err, req, res, next);
// err - required param, Error object
// req - required param, express request object
// res - required param, express response object
// next - required param, express next function


const { formatPhoneNumber } = require('utilities-armnode');
let phone = '091**15**'; // change to real phone number
let country = 'am';

let formattedPhoneNumber = formatPhoneNumber(phone, country);
// phone - required param, real phone number type of String
// country - required param, real country code type oy String

// formattedPhoneNumber = +374 91 ** 15 ** - if it is valid phone number
// formattedPhoneNumber = false - if it is invalid phone number


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
