
Utility Types Library for TypeScript

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<script type="module">
  import utilityTypesFixmeTodo from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/utility-types-fixme-todo';



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Utility Types for TypeScript (provide migration from Flow's Utility Types)

  • v1.X - compatible with TS v2.7.2
  • v2.X - compatible with TS v2.8.1 (rewritten to conditional types)


The primary goal of this library is to provide a set of proven Utility Types (inspired by Set Theory and functional languages) that should complement existing TypeScript Mapped Types.

The secondary goal is to provide a compatibility layer with Flow's Utility Types. Flow and TypeScript have a lot in common. By using this library TypeScript Developers will become more familiar with differences to "Flow" and extend their static-typing toolbelt. Moreover it can help to migrate between "Flow" and "TypeScript" projects much easier.


  • provide a set of consistent Utility Types that are idiomatic and complementary to existing TypeScript Mapped Types
  • provide migration from Flow's Utility Types
  • clean idiomatic implementation based on composition of smaller generic types that are easy to follow and learn how they work


  • Tested for type correctness
  • No third-party dependencies
  • Provides multiple output formats (es5-commonjs, es5-module, jsnext)


npm install --save utility-types

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I keep sponsor anonymity by default but if you'd like your brand to be featured in this repo, please contact me at: piotrek.witek@gmail.com


Table of Contents

Operations on sets

Operations on objects

Mapped Types

Flow's Utility Types

Deprecated API (use at own risk)

  • getReturnOfExpression() - from TS v2.0 it's better to use type-level ReturnType instead
  • UnboxPromise - please use PromiseType instead (they are equivalent)

Flow to TypeScript Migration Guides

  • Mixed Types in TypeScript (wip)

Operations on sets

SetIntersection<A, B>

Set intersection of given literal union types A and B


import { SetIntersection } from 'utility-types';

type ResultSet = SetIntersection<'1' | '2' | '3', '2' | '3' | '4'>;
// Expect: "2" | "3"
type ResultSetMixed = SetIntersection<string | number | (() => void), Function>;
// Expect: () => void

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SetDifference<A, B>

Set difference of given literal union types A and B


import { SetDifference } from 'utility-types';

type ResultSet = SetDifference<'1' | '2' | '3', '2' | '3' | '4'>;
// Expect: "1"
type ResultSetMixed = SetDifference<string | number | (() => void), Function>;
// Expect: string | number

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SetComplement<A, A1>

Set complement of given literal union types A and (it's subset) A1


import { SetComplement } from 'utility-types';

type ResultSet = SetComplement<'1' | '2' | '3', '2' | '3'>;
// Expect: "1"

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SymmetricDifference<A, B>

Set difference of the union and the intersection of given literal union types A and B


import { SymmetricDifference } from 'utility-types';

type ResultSet = SymmetricDifference<'1' | '2' | '3', '2' | '3' | '4'>;
// Expect: "1" | "4"

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Exclude null and undefined from set A

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Exclude<A, B>

Exclude subset B from set A

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Extract<A, B>

Extract subset B from set A

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Operations on objects


Get union type of keys that are functions in object type T


import { FunctionKeys } from 'utility-types';

type MixedProps = { name: string; setName: (name: string) => void };
type FunctionKeysProps = FunctionKeys<MixedProps>;
// Expect: "setName"

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Get union type of keys that are non-functions in object type T


import { NonFunctionKeys } from 'utility-types';

type MixedProps = { name: string; setName: (name: string) => void };
type NonFunctionKeysProps = NonFunctionKeys<MixedProps>;
// Expect: "name"

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Pick<T, K>

From T pick a set of properties K

(part of standard-lib)


type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean };

type RequiredProps = Pick<Props, 'name'>;
// Expect: { name: string }

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Omit<T, K>

From T remove a set of properties K


import { Omit } from 'utility-types';

type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean };

type RequiredProps = Omit<Props, 'age'>;
// Expect: { name: string; visible: boolean; }

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Intersection<T, U>

From T pick properties that exist in U


import { Intersection } from 'utility-types';

type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean };
type DefaultProps = { age: number };

type DuplicatedProps = Intersection<Props, DefaultProps>;
// Expect: { age: number; }

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Diff<T, U>

From T remove properties that exist in U


import { Diff } from 'utility-types';

type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean };
type DefaultProps = { age: number };

type RequiredProps = Diff<Props, DefaultProps>;
// Expect: { name: string; visible: boolean; }

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Subtract<T, T1>

From T remove properties that exist in T1 (T1 is a subtype of T)


import { Subtract } from 'utility-types';

type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean };
type DefaultProps = { age: number };

type RequiredProps = Subtract<Props, DefaultProps>;
// Expect: { name: string; visible: boolean; }

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Overwrite<T, U>

From U overwrite properties to T


import { Overwrite } from 'utility-types';

type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean };
type NewProps = { age: string; other: string };

type ReplacedProps = Overwrite<Props, NewProps>;
// Expect: { name: string; age: string; visible: boolean; }

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Assign<T, U>

From U assign properties to T (just like object assign)


import { Assign } from 'utility-types';

type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean };
type NewProps = { age: string; other: string };

type ExtendedProps = Assign<Props, NewProps>;
// Expect: { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean; other: string; }

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Mapped Types


Make all properties of object type optional

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Make all properties of object type non-optional

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Make all properties of object type readonly

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Obtain the return type of a function

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Obtain the instance type of a class

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Disjoin object to union of one-property objects types


import { Unionize } from 'utility-types';

type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean };

type UnionizedType = Unionize<Props>;
// Expect: { name: string; } | { age: number; } | { visible: boolean; }

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Obtain Promise resolve type


import { PromiseType } from 'utility-types';

type Response = PromiseType<Promise<string>>;
// Expect: string

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Readonly that works for deeply nested structures


import { DeepReadonly } from 'utility-types';

type NestedProps = {
  first: {
    second: {
      name: string;
type ReadonlyNestedProps = DeepReadonly<NestedProps>;
// Expect: {
//   readonly first: {
//     readonly second: {
//       readonly name: string;
//     };
//   };
// }

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Flow's Utility Types


get the union type of all the keys in an object type T


import { $Keys } from 'utility-types';

type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean };

type PropsKeys = $Keys<Props>;
// Expect: "name" | "age" | "visible"

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get the union type of all the values in an object type T


import { $Values } from 'utility-types';

type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean };

type PropsValues = $Values<Props>;
// Expect: string | number | boolean

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get the read-only version of a given object type T


import { $ReadOnly } from 'utility-types';

type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean };

type ReadOnlyProps = $ReadOnly<Props>;
// Expect: Readonly<{ name: string; age?: number | undefined; visible: boolean; }>

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$Diff<T, U>

get the set difference of a given object types T and U (T \ U)


import { $Diff } from 'utility-types';

type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean };
type DefaultProps = { age: number };

type RequiredProps = $Diff<Props, DefaultProps>;
// Expect: { name: string; visible: boolean; }

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$PropertyType<T, K>

get the type of property of an object at a given key K


import { $PropertyType } from 'utility-types';

type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean };
type NameType = $PropertyType<Props, 'name'>;
// Expect: string

type Tuple = [boolean, number];
type A = $PropertyType<Tuple, '0'>;
// Expect: boolean
type B = $PropertyType<Tuple, '1'>;
// Expect: number

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$ElementType<T, K>

get the type of elements inside of array, tuple or object of type T, that matches the given index type K


import { $ElementType } from 'utility-types';

type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean };
type NameType = $ElementType<Props, 'name'>;
// Expect: string

type Tuple = [boolean, number];
type A = $ElementType<Tuple, 0>;
// Expect: boolean
type B = $ElementType<Tuple, 1>;
// Expect: number

type Arr = boolean[];
type ItemsType = $ElementType<Arr, number>;
// Expect: boolean

type Obj = { [key: string]: number };
type ValuesType = $ElementType<Obj, string>;
// Expect: number

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get the return type of a given expression type https://flow.org/en/docs/types/utilities/#toc-call


import { $Call } from 'utility-types';

// Common use-case
const add = (amount: number) => ({ type: 'ADD' as 'ADD', payload: amount });
type AddAction = $Call<typeof returnOfIncrement>; // { type: 'ADD'; payload: number }

// Examples migrated from Flow docs
type ExtractPropType<T extends { prop: any }> = (arg: T) => T['prop'];
type Obj = { prop: number };
type PropType = $Call<ExtractPropType<Obj>>; // number
// type Nope = $Call<ExtractPropType<{ nope: number }>>; // Error: argument doesn't match `Obj`.

type ExtractReturnType<T extends () => any> = (arg: T) => ReturnType<T>;
type Fn = () => number;
type FnReturnType = $Call<ExtractReturnType<Fn>>; // number

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MIT License

Copyright (c) 2016 Piotr Witek mailto:piotrek.witek@gmail.com (http://piotrwitek.github.io)