
A plugin to help elements around the DOM

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import utilitymove from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/utilitymove';



A plugin to help elements around the DOM

npm install utilitymove --save
  import UtilityMove from 'UtilityMove';

  UtilityMove( {
    'el'       : document.getElementById( 'one' ),
    'appendTo' : document.getElementById( 'wrap' ),
    // 'before'      : null,
    // 'after'       : null,
    // 'prependTo'   : null,
    'minWidth' : 800,
    'refreshRate' : 100,
    // useMatchMedia: true,
    // mediaQuery: '(min-width: 800px)',
  } );

If you're not using ES6, you don't need the import, just include the script