
Debugging Tool to help Developers

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import utilitytool from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/utilitytool';


Debug Tracker Tool

A utility tool for developers to use as an aid for errors that can't always be seen.


Debug Tracker is a logging tool established to make finding hidden errors more easier.


npm install debug-tracker


When a single app is created in the Database
to initiate the debug mode and see whats going on inside
you would input this command into your terminal:
DEBUG=True node src/yourserver.js
to turn off the Debug Mode you would input only this command into your terminal:
node src/yourserver.js
Once initiated, you can go to your database and see if the app has been created
if you have an error your terminal will output this information:
Err! or Error!
Here is an example of how to ultilize this tool:
// Read All Users
      router.get('/users', (req, res) => {
        // Debug Tracker To Route Tool
        util.debug('Route Hit: GET /users', true);
        user.findAll((err) => {
        }, (data) => {
          // Debug Tracker To Object Data Tool
          util.debug('Model Gave Back: FindAll Users', data);