Javascript Date-Time minimalistic library
npm install utime --save
Timezones database repository
You can download timezone data from this repository:
Basic usage
Download desired timezones data, here we will use portuguese, polish and ukrainian zones.
const Utime = require('utime');
const pl = require('./pl');
const ua = require('./ua');
const pt = require('./pt');
Utime.registerZone('ua', ua);
Utime.registerZone('pl', pl, true); //true means this will be a default time zone
Utime.registerZone('pt', pt);
function printDateAndTime(utime) {
console.log(`===== ${utime.getTimeZone()} =====`);
const plTime = new Utime('pl'); //will create Utime with current time
printDateAndTime(plTime); //will print current time in Poland
const uaTime ='ua');
printDateAndTime(uaTime); //will print current time in Ukraine
const plTimeNumber = new Utime('pl', 4329474300000); //number represents date and time, can be retrieved by getValue() method
console.log(plTimeNumber.getValue()); //prints number representing date and time - eg. can be stored and used to create new utime instance
const uaTimeArray = new Utime('ua', [2002, 1, 1, 12, 23, 13.8]); //date and time for given timezone can be provided in more readable array form
const plTimeArray = new Utime([2002, 1, 1, 12, 23, 13.8]); //default time zone will be used - in this case "pl"
(new Utime())
.in('pl', printDateAndTime)
.in('ua', printDateAndTime)
.in('pt', printDateAndTime)
const ptTimeToShift = new Utime('pt');
Utime.registerZone(name, timeZoneDatabase, defaultTimeZone)
Registers new time zone database with given name. Last parameter is optional and points a default time zone. Clean instance of Utime contains "utc" zone which is also default until new zone will be registeres as default
Checks if given time zone name is already registered, callback)
Returns new instance of Utime with date and time in given by name timezone. Callback is optional, its argument is a new instance of Utime
Returns number representing date and time
Returns date and time in current time zone as text in simplified ISO format
Returns Javascript Date() instance
Returns current time zone date and time as an array (together with timezone name can be used to instantiate new Utime)
Returns number representing current time zone seconds
Returns number representing current time zone minutes
Returns number representing current time zone hours
Returns number representing current time zone day
Returns number representing current time zone month
Returns number representing current time zone year
Returns number representing current time zone day of week where 0 means Monday and 6 means Sunday
Returns number representing current time zone unique identifier for combination of year and month
Returns number representing current time zone unique identifier of week
Returns number representing current time zone unique identifier of day
Returns number representing current time zone unique identifier of hour
Returns text representing a registered name of current time zone
utime.shiftSeconds(value, absolute)
Returns new instance of Utime with current time zone date and time shifted by given number of seconds (can be also negative). "absolute" is optional parameter and set to true makes shift not taking into consideration time changes, just shifts given number of seconds
Returns new instance of Utime with current time zone date and time shifted by given number of minutes (can be also negative). "absolute" is optional parameter and set to true makes shift not taking into consideration time changes, just shifts given number of minutes
Returns new instance of Utime with current time zone date and time shifted by given number of hours (can be also negative). "absolute" is optional parameter and set to true makes shift not taking into consideration time changes, just shifts given number of hours
Returns new instance of Utime with current time zone date and time shifted by given number of days (can be also negative)
Returns new instance of Utime with current time zone date and time shifted by given number of weeks (can be also negative)
Returns new instance of Utime with current time zone date and time shifted by given number of months (can be also negative)
Returns new instance of Utime with current time zone date and time shifted by given number of years (can be also negative)
Returns new instance of Utime with current time zone date and time adjusted to begining of an hour
Returns new instance of Utime with current time zone date and time adjusted to begining of a day
Returns new instance of Utime with current time zone date and time adjusted to begining of a month
Returns new instance of Utime with current time zone date and time adjusted to end of an hour (exactly begining of next hour)
Returns new instance of Utime with current time zone date and time adjusted to end of a day (exactly begining of next day)
Returns new instance of Utime with current time zone date and time adjusted to end of a day (exactly begining of next month)
next(dayOfWeek, dontReturnCurrentDay = true)
Returns new instance of Utime with current time zone date and time adjusted to next occurence of day provided by "dayOdWeek" parameter. "dontReturnCurrentDay" is optional and if set to false allows to return as result also current day (if it matches dayOfWeek)
previous(dayOfWeek, dontReturnCurrentDay = true)
Returns new instance of Utime with current time zone date and time adjusted to previous occurence of day provided by "dayOdWeek" parameter. "dontReturnCurrentDay" is optional and if set to false allows to return as result also current day (if it matches dayOfWeek)