
ultimate time tracker replacement in node

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import uttr from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/uttr';



Uttr is a ultimate time tracker replacement written in node.


-a  "Some text" or --add "Some text" :
    Adds a new activity with the given text to the log

-e or --edit
    Opens the log in $EDITOR, by default vim.

-r <period>  or --report <period>
    Prints out the report of the given period. A period can be one of
    [day|week|month|year]. By default the period where the current
    date lays in is used. You can specify an other date by using the
    --date option (see below).

    For the ease of use there are also the periods [lastWeek, lastMonth, lastYear]
    which pick the previous periods based on the current date.

-d <date> or --date <date>
   Can be used with --report to specify which period the report should cover.
   The date given has to be in the period specified, e.g. if you want to see
   a report for July you can specify any date in July, like 2016-07-12.

   The format of the date can be one of the following :
   * 2016-07-12
   * 07-12 for 12th of July of the current year
   * 12 for the 12th of the current month in the current year

--groupBy [day|month|tag]
   Can be used with --report to specify by what the report is broken down by.
   In the case you break down by tag, untagged actions will be shown in the
   section "No Tag".

The log

The uttr log is by default stored in $HOME/.config/uttr/uttr.log. This can be configured by setting the environment variable $UTTR_LOG_HOME.

It assumes that $HOME/.config/uttr/ is a git repository and will commit changes after each add or edit operation.


The format of the log should follow the structure:

2015-12-31 08:00 hello
2015-12-31 10:00 task1 description
2015-12-31 12:00 task2 description
2015-12-31 13:00 lunch**
2015-12-31 17:00 task3 description ~someTag
2016-01-01 09:00 hello

  • lines not matching <date> <time> <task descriptions> will be ignored tasks
  • <date> <time> is the end time of the task <task description>
  • tasks with description hello are just to for pointing out the start of the day.
  • every other tasks duration will be determined by the time elapsed since previous task
  • tasks with a description ending with ** will be ignored in the sum of reporting.
  • an action can be tagged by using the prefix ~ anywhere in the action text. For tags a-z,A-Z, 0-9, - or _ can be used.


A example reports

for a report of the week containing 2016-05-10

$ uttr --report=week --date=2016-05-10
Day         Time spent
----------  ----------
2016-05-09      7:10 h
2016-05-10      8:00 h
2016-05-11      7:55 h
2016-05-12      7:50 h
2016-05-13      3:30 h
----------  ----------
               34:25 h

for a report last week broken down by tags

$ uttr --report=lastWeek --groupBy=tag
Tag      Time spent
-------  ----------
No Tag      31:09 h
~hotfix      2:23 h
~sprint      2:30 h
-------  ----------
            36:02 h