
Lightweight UUID for JavaScript. Parse and generate UUIDs. Convert between string and byte array.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import uuidTool from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/uuid-tool';



Version MIT License

Lightweight UUID library for JavaScript, written in TypeScript. (Types declarations included.) Simple to use, simply works. Well tested and no dependencies. For NodeJS and Browser.

Parse and generate UUIDs. Convert between UUID string (36 byte) to 16 byte array. UUID RFC 4122 Version 4


npm i uuid-tool

NPM Package


let uuid = UuidTool.newUuid();
let bytes = UuidTool.toBytes(uuid);
let strAgain = UuidTool.toString(bytes);
let isValid = UuidTool.isUuid(strAgain);
let isEqual = UuidTool.compare(uuid1, uuid2);

You can also use the Uuid class.

let uuid = new Uuid(byteOrString);
let str = uuid.toString();
let bytes = uuid.toBytes();
// Generate a new UUID
let uuid = new Uuid();
// Compare (case insensitive)
let uuid1 = new Uuid('3C09B262-49C7-466F-8B4F-626BCA1EC9BC');
let uuid2 = new Uuid('3c09b262-49c7-466f-8b4f-626bca1ec9bc');

if (uuid1.equals(uuid2)) {
  console.log('The IDs match.');
} else {
  console.log('The IDs do not match.');

// Result: The IDs match.

In NodeJS e.g.

const Uuid = require('uuid-tool').Uuid;
console.log(new Uuid().toString());

From Json:

const jsonStr = '{ "id": "3c09b262-49c7-466f-8b4f-626bca1ec9bc" }';
const uuid = Uuid.fromJson(jsonStr);
// or as already parsed json object:
const jsonObj = { id: '3c09b262-49c7-466f-8b4f-626bca1ec9bc' };
const uuid = Uuid.fromJson(jsonObj);
// otherwise it throws an error on invalid inputs.



toBytes (uuid)

Converts an UUID string to an UUID byte array.

Param Type Description
uuid string UUID string e.g. '1FBD384C-B2A1-41C6-84AF-43CABDF44124'

Returns number[] UUID byte array (length: 16)

toString (bytes)

Converts an UUID byte array to an UUID string.

Param Type Description
bytes number[] UUID Byte array (length 16 bytes of bytes)

Returns string UUID string. (length 36)

newUuid ()

Generates a new (pseudo) UUID RFC 4122 Version 4.

Returns string UUID e.g. '1FBD384C-B2A1-41C6-84AF-43CABDF44124'

isUuid (uuid)

Converts an UUID byte array to an UUID string.

Param Type Description
uuid string UUID string e.g. '1FBD384C-B2A1-41C6-84AF-43CABDF44124'

Returns boolean True if valid, otherwise false.

compare (uuid1, uuid2)

Compares two UUIDs.

Param Type Description
uuid1 string UUID string
uuid2 string UUID string

Returns boolean True if equal, otherwise false.


generate ()

Re-generates a new UUID for this instance.

Returns this The same UUID instance.

fromBytes (bytes)

Converts an UUID byte array to an UUID string. (length: 36) Note that the internal UUID has not yet been validated. Use the method isValid.

Param Type Description
bytes number[] UUID Byte array (length 16 bytes of bytes)

Returns this The same UUID instance.

toBytes ()

Converts this UUID to an UUID byte array. (length: 16)

Returns number[] The UUID as byte array.

fromString (uuid)

Converts an UUID byte array to an UUID string. (length: 36) Note that the internal UUID has not yet been validated. Use the method isValid.

Param Type Description
uuid string string e.g. '1FBD384C-B2A1-41C6-84AF-43CABDF44124'

Returns this The same UUID instance.

toString ()

To UUID string. HINT Set case mode by Uuid.stringExportFormat = 'uppercase' | 'lowercase'; This also affects the result of JSON.stringify(...);

Returns string UUID string e.g. '1FBD384C-B2A1-41C6-84AF-43CABDF44124'

isValid ()

Validate this UUID.

Returns boolean True if valid, otherwise false.

equals (uuid)

Compares this UUID with another UUID.

Param Type Description
uuid Uuid | string Another UUID instance or uuid-string.

Returns boolean True if equal, otherwise false.

static fromJson (json)

Converts the JSON representation of this class to this class.

Param Type Description
uuid UuidLike | string The string representation of this class.

Returns Uuid The Uuid class with the parsed input object.


MIT © Copyright 2018 - 2021 Dominik-Andreas Geng (@domske)

UUID logo © Copyright 2021 Dominik Geng