
A package that returns the preformatted time

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import uwadie from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/uwadie';


Uwadie Plugin

How to install

NPM: npm i uwadie --save

Yarn: yarn add uwadie


The implementation is straight forward, you create a new instance of Uwadie passing in no options. Afterwards you call the getFormattedTime method which takes in an object of options and a callback which returns the formatted time. Passing in an empty object returns the formatted time with the AM/PM convention. Passing in an object with setTimestamp property set to false returns the time without the AM/PM convention

// use with the import syntax
import Uwadie from "Uwadie";
// use with require (commonJS)
const Uwadie = require("uwadie");
//returns time with AM/PM convention
const getTime = new Uwadie();
getTime.getFormattedTime({}, time=> console.log(time)) // returns 23:22PM
//returns time without AM/PM convention
const getTime = new Uwadie();
getTime.getFormattedTime({setTimeStamp: false}, time=> console.log(time)) // returns 23:22

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