
Client Library for University of Washington's Person Web Service

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import uwpws from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/uwpws';


UW Person Web Service

This implements the v2 UW Person Webservice endpoints. Each endpoint is queried using convenient options to build the final request.

This module assumes you have gone through all the required steps to get access and verified that access as documented in the SWS wiki.

Note: Version 4.0.0 and later require Node 8.



npm install uwpws


Import the module and set it's configuration. You must set a cacheMode to tell the micro-cache module to save http requests or not to the filesystem (useful for development). In production, set that mode to wild to force all requests to go over the internet.

First, set your config and initialize

The certInfo object should only contain either a file or an s3 object. If you include both, only the file object will be picked up.

const uwpws = require('uwpws');

let config = {
  baseUrl:   'https://wseval.s.uw.edu/identity/v2/',
  cacheExt:  '.json',
  cacheMode: 'wild',
  cachePath: '.cache/',
  certInfo:  {
    file: {
      cert: 'PATH TO CERT',
      key:  'PATH TO KEY'
    // s3: {
    //   certBucket: 'uwfosterit.certs',
    //   certKey:    'laps_cert.cer',
    //   keyBucket:  'uwfosterit.certs',
    //   keyKey:     'laps_cert.key'
    // }

await uwpws.initialize(config);

Then, search for a Person or Entity

Search for a person, see src/modules/person for all the parameters you can use and test/unit/person-test.js for implementations. Notice, the Person and Entity searches are very similar, both have get and search functions. Simply use uwpws.entity instead of uwpws.person.

// Using Promises
let options = {
  id: '24CB6CD8AE3511D68CBC0004AC494FFE'

  .then((result) => {
  (error) => {

Or search for any entity that starts with the name of marc paging by 10 and starting on page 2.

let options = {
  name:  'marc',
  size:  10,
  start: 2

  .then((result) => {

Using a local cache

The cacheMode can be set to any one of the following modes. This uses the micro-cache node module as a local file system cache.

  • wild: all requests go out to the internet, don't load anything from cache, doesn't save anything.
  • dryrun: Loads files from cache if exists, does http calls when cache doesn't exist, doesn't save to the cache.
  • record: Loads files from the cache and saves new ones to the cache.


This module uses log4js for all logging. Set an environment variable to a valid log level such as LOG_LEVEL=debug node script.js. Alternatively, the log level can be set using the logLevel property of the node-pws config.


Copy test/setup/config-sample.js to test/setup/config.js and edit values as needed. Use the npm commands indicated in package.json.

npm test
npm lint