
Blockly wrapped in a vue component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vBlockly from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/v-blockly';



Blockly wrapped in a vue component


To download this package, install it through npm:

npm install --save v-blockly
// Import the component, and optionally Blockly itself
// You can also import goog if you needed
// As a side effect the Blockly object is available on the window object
import VBlockly, { Blockly } from 'v-blockly'
Vue.component('v-blockly', VBlockly)

And then in your vue template.

<v-blockly workspace="workspace.xml" toolbox="toolbox.xml"></v-blockly>

That's it. The package already includes Blockly itself. It's not possible to keep blockly out of the package as a peer dependency because we are import blockly using a wrapped imported module.


This package contains some examples in a storybook that you can run with:

npm run storybook


You can see a minimal example in this codesandbox.