
Simple cookie consent banner

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vCookieConsent from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/v-cookie-consent';




npm install v-cookie-consent

// yourVueFile.vue

import CookieConsent from "v-cookie-consent";

export default {
  components: {

Base usage

// any .vue file
// For this example the component is imported in App.vue

  <div id="app">

The component will check for a existing cookie consent in the browsers localStorage on mounted(). If no consent was found, the banner will show.


Default slot

   This will replace the main text and all stylings relevant to the text

Link slot

  <template v-slot:link>
      This will replace the "Learn more" link and all stylings relevant to the link

Button slot

  <template v-slot:button>
      This will replace the consent-button and all stylings relevant to the button


Property name Type Default
text String "This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website."
linkText String "Learn more"
buttonText String "Got it"
storageName String "cookieConsent"
preventConsent Boolean false


Overwriting text but keeping default styling

<CookieConsent text="This is my new main text" link-text="Click here for more info" button-text="Okay">

This result in the following banner:
Banner with custom text

Changing the localStorage value

<CookieConsent storage-name="myCustomNameInLocalStorage">

Prevent consent and emit event instead

<CookieConsent prevent-consent @consented="yourHandler">

Note: The emit does not pass any data.

Changing the containers styling

No !important is being used. You can simply add your own classes to overwrite any existing CSS.

  <CookieConsent class="bg-salmon"></CookieConsent>

.bg-salmon {
  background-color: salmon;

Banner with custom background color