Currency Mask for Vuetify
- All features from v-money as v-text-field of vuetify.
import Vue from 'vue'
import currency from 'v-currency-field'
import 'v-currency-field/dist/index.css'
<v-currency-field label="Value" v-bind="currency_config" :error-messages="errors.price" v-model="price"></v-currency-field>
export default {
data () {
return {
errors: {},
price: 123.45,
currency_config: {
decimal: ',',
thousands: '.',
prefix: 'R$ ',
suffix: ' #',
precision: 2,
masked: false,
allowBlank: false,
All v-money properties
property | Required | Type | Default | Description |
precision | true | Number | 2 | How many decimal places |
decimal | false | String | "." | Decimal separator |
thousands | false | String | "," | Thousands separator |
prefix | false | String | "" | Currency symbol followed by a Space, like "R$ " |
suffix | false | String | "" | Percentage for example: " %" |
masked | false | Boolean | false | If the component output should include the mask or not |
allowBlank | false | Boolean | false | If the field can start blank and be cleared out by user |
min | false | Number | Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER | The min value allowed |
max | false | Number | Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER | The max value allowed |
And all vuetify properties
property | Required | Type | Observation |
appendOuterIcon | false | String | |
appendOuterIconCb | false | Function | Working but deprecated |
@click:append-outer | false | Function | Not Working |
autofocus | false | Boolean | |
box | false | Boolean | |
browserAutocomplete | false | String | Not Tested |
clearable | false | Boolean | Not Working Event |
clearIcon | false | String | |
clearIconCb | false | Number | Working but deprecated |
@click:clear | false | Number | Not Working |
color | false | String | |
flat | false | Boolean | |
fullWidth | false | Boolean | |
label | false | String | |
outline | false | Boolean | |
prependInnerIcon | false | String | |
prependInnerIconCb | false | Function | Working but deprecated |
@click:prepend-inner | false | Function | Not Working |
reverse | false | Boolean | |
singleLine | false | Boolean | |
solo | false | Boolean | |
soloInverted | false | Boolean | |
error-messages | false | [] | |
disabled | false | Boolean | |
readonly | false | Boolean | |
dark | false | Boolean | |
height | false | String | |
hint | false | String | |
light | false | Boolean | |
background-color | false | String |