
A WYSIWYG editor of inline mode.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vInlineEditor from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/v-inline-editor';



A WYSIWYG editor of inline mode.

Online Demo


yarn add v-inline-editor


import Vue from 'vue';
import VueInlineEditor from 'v-inline-editor';
import 'v-inline-editor/lib/v-inline-editor.css';


// or

import VueInlineEditor from 'v-inline-editor';
import 'v-inline-editor/lib/v-inline-editor.css';
Vue.component(VueInlineEditor.name, VueInlineEditor);
    <vue-inline-editor v-model="text"

export default {
    data() {
        return {
            text: '请输入文本信息',
            pastePlain: false,
            customOptions: {
                toolbar: ['fontSize', 'fontName', 'bold'],
                fontSize: [
                    { value: '16px', label: '16px' },
                    { value: '18px', label: '18px' },
                    { value: '20px', label: '20px' }
                fontName: [
                    { value: '微软雅黑', label: '微软雅黑' },
                    { value: '宋体', label: '宋体' }

Component Options

参数 说明 类型 可选值 默认值
value/v-model 绑定值 string - -
options 组件参数配置(详见下文) Object - -
pastePlain 复制纯文本 Boolean - false

options 参数是一个对象,对象里包含 3 个属性,分别是 toolbar fontName fontSize

// toolbar 类型为 Array[],可选填部分功能按钮,默认值为:

toolbar: [
    'fontName', 'fontSize',
    'foreColor', 'backColor',
    'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikeThrough',
    'superscript', 'subscript',
    'justifyLeft', 'justifyCenter', 'justifyRight',

// fontSize 类型为 Array[],数组元素为对象,默认值为:

fontSize: [
    { value: '12px', label: '12px' },
    { value: '14px', label: '14px' },
    { value: '16px', label: '16px' },
    { value: '18px', label: '18px' },
    { value: '20px', label: '20px' },
    { value: '24px', label: '24px' },
    { value: '28px', label: '28px' },
    { value: '32px', label: '32px' },
    { value: '48px', label: '48px' }

// fontName 类型为 Array[],数组元素为对象,默认值为:

fontName: [
    { value: '微软雅黑', label: '微软雅黑' },
    { value: '宋体', label: '宋体' },
    { value: '仿宋', label: '仿宋' },
    { value: 'serif', label: 'Serif' },
    { value: 'Helvetica', label: 'Helvetica' }

Component Events

事件名称 说明 回调参数
input 当输入框内容发生变化时触发 输入框内容


// install dependencies
yarn install

// compiles and hot-reloads for development
yarn run serve