
media query methods for vuejs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vMediaQuery from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/v-media-query';


vue media query methods (ru)

Plugin adds methods for work with media query in vue

General example:

import vMediaQuery from 'v-media-query'

<some-component v-if="$mq.resize && $mq.above('600px')"></some-component>

v-if gets true for screen with width > 600px and updates after resizing

new Vue({
  created() {
    if (this.$mq.above(600)) {
      console.log('screen > 600px')

new Vue({
  watch: {
    '$mq.resize': 'screenResize'
  methods: {
    screenResize() {
      if (this.$mq.above(600)) {
        console.log('screen > 600px')

new Vue({
  computed: {
    screenMore600() {
      return this.$mq.resize && this.$mq.above(600)

and here

Defaults methods

All methods are allowed in $mq (mq = media query)


  • variable is trigger that update methods

$mq.above(measurement, value)
$mq.below(measurement, value)
$mq.between(measurement, [valMin, valMax])
$mq.beyond(measurement, [valMin, valMAx])

  • measurement
    • Can take values: 'width', 'height'
    • Default value = 'width'
      example: $mq.above(600) == $mq.above('width', 600)
  • value, valMin, valMax
    • Can take type Number and String
    • All values type of Number will be rewrited to Number + 'px'
      example: $mq.above(600) == $mq.above('600px')


  • expression - any valid css media query
    example: $mq.expr('screen and (max-device-width: 300px)')

Custom methods

Your can add custom methods to default methods


Vue.use(vMediaQuery.default, {
  methods: {
    onlyForRetina() {
      return matchMedia('(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi)').matches
    fackAbove(...args) {
      return vMediaQuery.methods.above(...args)
<some-component v-if="$mq.onlyForRetina()"></some-component>
<some-component v-show="$mq.resize && $mq.fackAbove(800)"></some-component>


The plugin allows you to add custom variables in the vue
All variables are available in the $mv (mv = media variables)


Vue.use(vMediaQuery.default, {
  variables: {
    hd: 1920,
    sm: '1240px'
<some-component v-show="$mq.resize && $mq.between([$mv.sm, $mv.hd])"></some-component>

Names $mq and $mv

If u don't like names $mq and $mv u can change them


Vue.use(vMediaQuery.default, {
  nameSpace: {
    methods: $myMethods, // default $mq
    variables: __myVariables, // default $mv
  variables: {
    hd: 1920,
<some-component v-show="$myMethods.resize && $myMethods.above(__myVariables.hd)"></some-component>