
A Vue.js component for tooltips

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vPoptool from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/v-poptool';


Getting started

This is a tooltip component for VueJS 2.x

Note: The tooltip will automatically position itself based on the position of the hovered element in the page, as shown on the gif below:


  1. Install the Component:
npm install --save v-poptool
  1. Register the Component to your app:
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vtooltip from 'v-poptool'

components: {


  1. Add the component wherever you need it.
    <div slot="content">This is what goes inside the tooltip</div>
    <div slot="tooltip-text">Hover over me</div>


Option Description Value Default
color text color of the tooltip String #FFF
backgroundColor background color of the tooltip String #000
fontSize font size of the tooltip Number 10
textAlign text alignment within the tooltip String left
arrowPlacement position of the tooltip's arrow String left
hOffset horizontal offset of the tooltip Number 0
vOffset vertical offset of the tooltip Number 0
arrowOffset horizontal offset of the arrow Number 0

Options Example:

<vtooltip :options="{
    color: 'red',
    backgroundColor: '#DDD',
    fontSize: 16,
    textAlign: 'center',
    arrowPlacement: 'right',
    hOffset: 10,
    Voffset: 2,
    arrowOffset: 15
    <div slot="content">This is a tooltip with custom options</div>
    <div slot="tooltip-text">Hover over me</div>

Build the example

Go to the examples folder and run npm run dev