A vue component that wraps a input type=number with a customizable range slider flyout.
npm i --save v-range-flyout
Initialize in main.js
import rangeFlyout from "v-range-flyout";
Options (element attributes)
- v-model or value : Number - Required. String values will be converted to Number.
- min: Number - Required
- max: Number - Required
- disabled: Boolean - Disable the control
- sliderHeight: Number - Optionally set the height of the slideable area of the flyout.
- incr: Number - Optionally set value increment (step attribute in input[type=number]) the control should snap to a multiple of.
- slideBackground: String - used to show color scales as gradients.
- inputClass: String - Optional css class to add to the input element
- flyoutClass: String - Optional wrapper class for the flyout wrapper div
- @input: Fires on keyboard or slider input
- @change: Fires when value changes and control is no longer in focus. Returns the numeric value.
- @active: Fires when flyout is toggled or input changes focus state. A boolean is passed to indicate "active" state.
Usage Examples
<div class="wrap">
<div class="control">
<label>Choose a value between -50 and 50</label>
<range-flyout :min="-50" :max="50" v-model="chosenVal"/>
<p>You chose: {{chosenVal}}</p>
export default {
data:() => { return {chosenVal:50} }
<style lang="scss">
display: inline-block;
This is in active development. Stability not guaranteed. Please file github issues for bugs/features.