A vue directive that accepts a threshold value and a callback function that tells you if current scroll position is before the binded element, after element and inside the threshold, or past the threshold
npm install v-scroll-threshold
# or
yarn add v-scroll-threshold
then add it to your vue application:
// add it to your vue application:
import VScrollThreshold from 'v-scroll-threshold';
import Vue from 'vue';
// or
import VScrollThreshold from 'v-scroll-threshold';
export default {
directives: {
then use it:
<div >
<SomeElement v-scroll-threshold="{
threshold: 100,
callback: callbackFunction
}" />
v-scroll-threshold directive has 2 modifiers (up, down) and accepts an object with following properties:
- number in px unit threshold
callback(relativePos, sameDirection)
the function that is called everytime the page is scrolled with two arguments. first arg is always one of the following values: -1
, 0
, 1
means the scroll position is before the element (element not reached the top of screen)0
means the scroll has passed the element and is inside the threshold (inclusive)1
means the scroll has passed the element and the threshold
second arg is if the last scroll event was in direction of the specified modifier.