
A Vue directive that creates a shine effect on any element.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vShine from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/v-shine';



A Vue directive that creates a shine effect on any element.


npm i v-shine

Registering the directive in Vue:

// Global Instance - in your main.js file
import shine from 'v-shine';

// Single Instance
import shine from 'v-shine';

new Vue({
  directives: { shine }


Property Description Type Default
event The event the animation will react to on the element. String 'mouseenter'
time The number of seconds for the shine to complete its animation. Number 1.5
ease The easing function of the shine. String 'ease'
color The color of the shine. String '#fff'
angle The angle of the shine. This will default to the diagonal length of the element. Number
blur The amount of blur applied on the shine element. Number 8
delay Number of seconds before the shine animation starts. Number 0
opacity The opacity of the shine. Number (0 - 1) 0.4
shineWidth The thickness of the shine bar. This will default to a quarter of the main element's size. Number
fromLeft Determines if the shine will swipe from the left or from the right. Boolean true
extraShine Adds a trailing shine to add more effect. Boolean false


Shine can be applied onto an element by using "v-shine".

Basic usage example:

<div v-shine></div>


<div v-shine="{ time: 1.2, ease: 'ease-in', color: '#ff0000', opacity: 0.5, fromLeft: false, extraShine: true }"></div>
<button v-shine="{ time: 0.3, ease: 'linear', blur: 10, delay: 1 }"></button>

