
V-sight looking to API routes for validation test.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vSight from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/v-sight';



sudo npm install v-sight

How it works

It uses Joi schema signature for API schemas as input and will check for test cases by making suited payloads or queries and will return result that contains unexpected responses from API calls for each route as below:

Test cases

This module supports these test cases already:

  • missing_one: All properties except one will be sent in request and the response status code shoud be 400 if missed one is required and should not be 400 if it is one of optionals .
  • fake_property: All properties added one fake property which response should be 400.
  • fake_post_query: For REST APIs POST method just accepts payloads so to test these case you can add this to your cases in options.



Adding default options as an object as below properties:

  • baseUrl: the url will be used for all tests like http://localhost:800.
  • testCases: An array with test cases as items like['fake_property', 'missing_one'].

look(schemas, [options], [testCases], callback)

Will run all test cases which have been provided.

  • schemas: the Joi schemas
  • options:
    • testCases: as testsCases in defaults.If not set all test cases will be applied.
    • timeout: requests timeouts. If there is a timeout for any request it will be throw as an error with the url inside it, default is 3000 milliseconds.
    • first_error: if set as false all errors will be returned, default is true.
    • baseUrl: You may need to change base url for a set of tests so add it here.
    • login: As an object for all routes which need authentication
      • url : the login route which will use baseUrl as its base.
      • auth: As an object which have all properties for login credentials.
  • challback(errors): will be called when there is first error fror all cases.

Examples and usage

v_sight = require('v-sight')

// Setting defaults
v_sight.defaults({ baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080' })

// Setting options for a role
var options = {
  login: {
    url: '/v1/users/login',
    auth: {
      email: 'john.doue@mail.me',
      password: 'test-password-1',

// User signup validations
schemas = {
  'post/v1/users/buy': {
    payload: {
      product_id: Joi.string().required(),
      description: Joi.string().optional(),
      address: Joi.object().keys({
        City: Joi.string().required().default('Tehran'),
        Street: Joi.string().required()
    defaults: {
      product_id: '1234',
      description: 'This is my desired one',
      address: {
        Street: 'Motahari'

v_sight.look(schemas, options, (errors) => {
  if(errors) {

Returned errors structure

All fialed tests have these two signatures:

  1. When first_error has been set as true.default is true.
  code: 'http status codes',
  url: 'baseUrl + route',
  flag: 'from schema or fake for fake_property test case',
  server_message: 'returning message from server',
  help: 'a message will help you to find the error'
  1. when first_error has been set as false.
  'post/users/signup': [
      // as 1

Use with Mocha and chai

When using mocha you can call done() in callback:

var should = require('chai').should();

describe('Users', () => {
  it('should be validate for all requireds, optinals'), function(done) {
    v_sight.look(user_Options, user_schemas, (errors) => {