Vuetify v-treeview-draggable component
This repo contains a Vuetify
Suusan's library is based upon vuetify 2.1, and in vuetify 2.2 the alignment is handled differently, see fix VTreeview.
A draggable v-treeview component is a highly requested feature #5585, but yet not added to vuetify
This example shows a v-treeview-draggable component, using vuedraggable. For usage, see the explanation of Suusan2go
So what I did:
- made a @vue/cli project
- added vuetify (vue add vuetify)
- added vuedraggable (yarn add vuedraggable)
- added the 2 [Suusan2go] components DraggableTreeview.vue and DraggableTreeviewNode.vue
- renamed them to VTreeviewDraggable
- removed the TypeScript functionality from the components, as I do not have this in my current project and I want to keep it simple
- added the Vuetify 2.2 classes for correct alignment with Vuetify 2.2
- made a simple demo (e.g. yarn serve) or see the netlify-demo
When I was working to make it a npm-package, the builds become quite big (300 kb), so apparantly some external dependencies are added to the build, so I have to work on this some more
Project setup
yarn install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
yarn serve
Compiles and minifies for production
yarn build
Lints and fixes files
yarn lint
Build an NPM-packege (attempt)
yarn build-bundle
The build packages become quite large, cannot be true for basic components