
``` npm install v1-email-helper ```

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import v1EmailHelper from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/v1-email-helper';



npm install v1-email-helper

Creating an v1-email-helper object

Basic email helper for working with Sparkpost. You should have SPARKPOST_URL and SPARKPOST_API_KEY defined in your local environment.

import { EmailHelper, iBody } from "v1-email-helper";
const emailHelper = new EmailHelper('SPARKPOST_URL', 'SPARKPOST_API_KEY', 'TEMPLATE_PATH OR BLANK');


Note: The following 3 methods can be used to generate html for module send requests.

  • markdownToHtml(mdText: string)
  • nunjucksToHtml(templatePath: string, props: any)
  • nunjucksStringToHtml(templateStr: string, props: any)

Note: The following 1 method is used to send generated htnl.

  • send(body: iBody)

The send body must be structured as follows attachments is optional

interface iRecipient {
  address: string;

interface iAttachment {
  type: string;
  name: string;
  data: string;

interface iContent {
  from: string;
  subject: string;
  html: string;
  attachments?: Array<iAttachment>;

interface iBody {
  recipients: Array<iRecipient>;
  content: iContent;

Basic usage example

import { EmailHelper, iBody } from "v1-email-helper";
const emailHelper = new EmailHelper('SPARKPOST_URL', 'SPARKPOST_API_KEY', 'TEMPLATE_PATH OR BLANK');

const markdown = "** this is some markdown";
const html = emailHelper.markdownToHtml(markdown);

const body: iBody = {
  recipients: [{ address: "john@doe.net" }],
  content: {
    from: "jane@doe.net",
    subject: "Test message",
    html: html:
    attachments: [
      { type: "application/json", name: "somename", data: "somedata"}    



*Note: You MUST run build command to ensure you're lastest updates are available in the /lib directory for any process using this repo. *

// code changes, add and commit ...
git add/commit ...

// Now build against new updates, then add/commit new /lib 
npm run build
git add/commit /lib

git push ...