
v8 profiling via the chrome dev-tools protocol

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import v8InspectProfiler from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/v8-inspect-profiler';


V8 Inspect Profiler

This node module offers v8 cpu profiling via the Chrome DevTools protocol.


Start the node.js instance that you want to profile

node --inspect-brk=5222 myApp.js

Next, start profiling. Create an app that starts and stops profiling. Like so:

const profiler = require('v8-inspect-profiler');

// connect and start profiler
const session = await profiler.startProfiling({port: 5222 });

// time goes by ...

// stop profiler and disconnect 
const profile = await session.stop();

// save profile to disk
await profiler.writeProfile(profile, 'somepath.cpuprofile');