Api Endpoint
npm install va-ts-endpoint
Writing data services with hard-coded endpoints that have parameters in the url string is not very comfortable, because whenever I want to interpolate them, I have to jump to the variable declaration that stores the string with the address. That's why I decided to create a very simple factory which helps to create typed endpoints.
export class ExampleDataService {
readonly endpoints = {
// Create simple endpoint.
// In simple case ApiEndpoint is additional abstraction, but it's created to be consistent in every place.
getItems: apiEndpointFactory(`${yourApiBaseUrl}/items`),
// Create typed endpoint. Values with `:` will be interpolated.
// Provide union type which corresponds to values which should be interpolated.
getItem: apiEndpointFactory<'exampleId' | 'itemId'>(`${yourApiBaseUrl}/examples/:exampleId/items/:itemId`, true)
constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}
getItems(): Observable<Item[]> {
return this.http.get(this.endpoints.getItems.url());
getItem(exampleId: string, itemId: string): Observable<Item> {
return this.http.get(this.endpoints.getItem.url({exampleId, itemId}));